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I let out a sigh, flopping down onto my mattress with a heavy mind

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I let out a sigh, flopping down onto my mattress with a heavy mind. The fact that the whole ordeal was a staged break-in had come as a massive shock to me, as I hadn't even thought of that being a possibility in the first place.

    As if on cue my phone buzzed, signaling that Heizou had finished the interrogation with Ayato and was ready to talk. I picked up my phone and pressed the accept button, pushing in my earphones hurriedly.


    "Hiya," Heizou's voice blasted in my ears and I practically jumped out of my bed in sheer surprise. I was used to getting unapologetically ear-raped by my headphones but Heizou's low-quality microphone was definitely not helping to reduce the agony.

"H-hold on a sec," I pressed down on the side of my phone to lower the volume. "Sorry, I set the volume up a bit too high. So um, was there something you needed to talk to me about?"

    "Yeah, actually...I know this is stepping out of line a little, but I just wanted to make sure that everything's going okay. Normally in cases like this I like to check in with my clients but I can understand how it may be a little difficult to talk about with your husband being there and all."

    "Thank you," I smiled and leaned back a little, "I'm glad that I didn't do anything wrong."

    "Well to be honest, you're really not supposed to be this involved in the investigation at all but...I don't mind pulling a few strings here and there so you can know what's goin' on. It's no biggie."

    "Thank you again for allowing me to be involved. I know it's rather selfish of me—"

    "No need to apologize," Heizou laughed, cutting through my sentence before I could finish. "Y'know, I understand how you feel with all this. I've also lost people in an unfair way and back then I wanted to do anything in my power to get some sort of justice for them. Some people may see it as selfish and immature, sure, but if they were put into that scenario they would likely act the same way. Humans are more alike than we'd like to admit. So that's why—re—ge—n't—g at all."

    His low quality mic started to cut off in short bursts. "Um, Heizou? Your microphone is cutting out."

    "Aw, sh—ho—n let me g—ter."

    I had no idea what in the world he was trying to say, so I just responded with: "Okay."

    "Hello? Can you hear me now?" Heizou's voice returned to my ears in a much higher quality than it previously had been. It was almost scary how high quality it was compared to the former audio... "I was using my laptop mic and I have a pretty old one. I really should upgrade it, but I just never feel the urge to, y'know? Anyways let's continue our conversation on a stable connection, shall we?"

    "Sure. You were saying that humans are more alike than we'd like to admit...?"

    "Ah, alright. After that I just said 'that's why we need to be more strict as a society.'"

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