Chapter 1: Second Semester

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Now that you're up to date with my life, I'll take you through my first day of the second semester.

At 8:30, Veronica came and picked me up.  We wanted to get to school early so we can see our new classes and get situated.

We got to school, then we went to Veronica's locker, then mine to put our bags away.  We were walking around and saw a bunch of students crowded behind a wall with a bunch of writing on it.  There were posters hung up of everyone's homeroom teacher for the second semester.  Luckily enough, Veronica and I had the same first-period teacher.  The poster read:


Veronica James

Ellianna Tellinski


We literally jumped cuz we were so excited.  We got to our class and Mr. Edward was a very fun teacher to say the least.  Now, Veronica and I cannot be put into a class because all we will do is make jokes and laugh our asses off.  Mr. Edward didn't seem to care much though, hence why we liked him so much.  

We got our complete second-semester schedules in our first period and mine was:





: These classes weren't bad at all, in fact, my semester was going to be pretty easy.  

One class stood out to me though... Business, third period. 

That class is a mix of sophomores and freshmen, and I couldn't help but think maybe Jake would be in my class.  I quickly brushed off the thought because it would be too good to be true.  I laughed to myself at the thought honestly.

After our first period, Veronica and I went our own ways to our second-period class.  Religion was my second period.  It wasn't a hard class it was just SO BORING.  There were barely 10 kids in my class but luckily I had two friends in it, Kayla and Raquelle.

After almost 2 hours of trying to not sleep in that class, we finally had lunch.  Now lunch was one of the highlights of my day.  Socializing, walking around, eating obviously, and just fooling around.  Lunch was one of the things I also looked forward to apart from my older hallway crushes :)))

After lunch, I went and walked Veronica to her third-period class.  As I was walking I was thinking to myself how overall, the first half of my first day of the second semester was going pretty well.  This was all until I started thinking about Jake.  I remembered that my third period was business with a mix of sophomore students. 

I got a weird feeling in my stomach and began to get a whole lot of anxiety.  I tried to ignore it and tell myself that there was no way this would happen and that he was definitely not going to be in the same class.  As I walked into the half-empty class, I took some deep breaths and looked around.  I didn't see him or anyone important but it was still 5 minutes until the bell rang.  

I was fidgeting a lot and had my eyes locked on the doorway at the sight of a bunch of students passing through the halls trying to get to their classes.  Finally, I saw Jake and a sigh of relief came down me as I saw him look into the class but walk completely past it.  This didn't in fact last long when I saw Jake WALKING INTO THE CLASS.  

My heart began to race at the sight of Jake and his friends walking into the class.  I tried to stop sweating and stop freaking out.  Shortly after this, my grade school friend Henry walked into the class and I waved him over to come to sit next to me.  "Thank god Henry is in my class", I thought.  I would've looked like an anxious mess.

Mr. Smith was our business teacher.  He was known for being a wonderful teacher, he taught my older brother and my cousins.  He didn't believe in homework, only 10-question tests, and had a lot of field trips.  The only downside about him as a teacher was that he LOVED presentations, which are every student's nightmare.  I thought to myself "If I'm freaking out this much over Jake being in my class, what the fuck am I going to do about those damn presentations".  I let my head slam on my desk in frustration.  

Henry: Hey, are you okay?  You seem uneasy.

Ellana:  Yeah no don't worry, I'm fine just tired.

After this, Mr. Smith began his introduction.  He was very polite, loud, fast-speaking, and well-spoken.  As he went through the roll call for attendance, he stopped at my name but didn't say anything.  He scoffed "Ha... Tellinski".  I just looked up at him and smiled.  In front of the whole class, he started listing off his experience with my older brother and also brought up that he was arrested at their prom after-party.  Jake and his friends laughed along with the entire class, I thought to myself "Great, I look like I have a deadbeat family".

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