Those Damn School Buses

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After a few long weeks in that class and me living in pure bliss with that one conversation,

Mr. Smith had given us sheets of paper regarding a field trip coming up on April 4th.  It is a business-based trip and basically, we went to our local college and had the task of making a product and pitching it to a group of people.  

April 4th, 2019

I woke up feeling HYPED because field trips like these last the entire day, so I get to miss all of my classes for a day of business... oh who am I kidding, a day of Jake Bell.

We all meet on the main floor of our School building waiting for the bus to pick us up, and I end up sitting with my class friend Henry.  

We get to the university and immediately get into groups and start our task.  My group was with 4 guys that I all went to grade school with- Henry, Amir, Dean, and Matthew.

Our groups were split up by numbers, we were group 16. 

We came up with a multi-use travel makeup box.  Overall, it was a shit idea because it wasn't original at all... I mean come on, you can go on Amazon or take one trip to Walmart and find 10 of these in way better condition and that actually work for fuck sake.

We pitched our product to these 4 men all dressed in suits.

We ended up losing our round of pitches, but everyone from our school did shitty as well so it didn't really matter.

We all sat on these stair likes seats to watch some of the pitches and I notices Jake's group sat right in front of our group.  I mean he was a row lower than me where my feet were but like basically diagonal from me.  

I sat up a little bit to get a closer look at him and he seemed pretty occupied in conversation with a girl in his group.  A ting of jealousy started to creep in but I brushed it off.

I went on my phone for a little bit and noticed that his entire group has shifted over.  Meaning, Jake was directly at my feet... Like his shoulder was literally touching up against my calf.

I noticed him start to look around at his surroundings then he looked down at my feet and then up at me.  

He then said: "Hey Thief"

I looked back at him with a slight scoff and said "Hey"

He proceeded to ask me "Did your group lose all of your pitches too?"

I said, "Yeah, we sucked."

He then asked, "What group did your group lose to in the first round?"

I then pointed to the group we lost to and said, "That group over there."

I looked back down at him, only to find him not looking at where I was pointing but he remained looking at me.  Those 30 seconds felt like absolute heaven.

He quickly snapped out of whatever trance he was in and said

"Wait what group?"

I pointed the group out again.

"Ah, we lost to a product like that too"

Then our groups got into one big conversation.  I felt very accomplished, I held a conversation with him without sounding like a total idiot for once.  But damn, I kinda got bitter when he said "Hey thief".  Does he even know my name?


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