March Madness

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March 13th, 2020

I get to school and people are all dressed up for spirit day - For context, spirit day is basically a day where we all get to dress outside of our uniforms and wear according to a theme.  The theme today is Hawaiian, so I show up wearing a Lei and a regular jean and crop top outfit.  

I go about my day and everything seems fine up until lunch.  One of our friends (Corrine) at our lunch table seemed a bit off.

Ellianna: Hey girl, whats up!

Corrine: Hey Ellianna

Ellianna: Are you okay you seem a bit off?

Corrine: I am a bit down, my dad keeps talking about the news and he keeps saying there definitely no way the school year is gonna continue normally.

Ellianna: Wait what, What do you mean?

Corrine: The virus, he's saying we're probably gonna be doing online classes for the rest of the year.

Ellianna: Online Classes? Are you serious??

Corrine: Yeah, and I'm just thinking about how it's our first year and we're not gonna be able to experience it normally you know?

Ellianna: Yeah I get it, that's gonna feel really weird damn...

After lunch, I drop Veronica off at her class and proceed to walk to my business class.  As I'm walking I really am taking in what Corrine said.  Could It be true?  Online classes?  If all of this actually happens, then I am honestly just a punching bag for the universe.  I was just getting closer to Jake, and I had a class with Veronica, I mean everything was going good.  Why does it never last?

I go into Mr. Smiths class a bit gloomier than normal.  Today we are watching a movie in class since it is the last day until March break.  But unlike normally, Jake isn't in class today.  A lot of people usually skip classes before the last day of the break because they aren't really instructional classes.  All I thought to myself was, "Well, I blew it".  

The class went by pretty quickly, and it was definitely not as enjoyable as normal.  The bell rung to leave class but before I left, I went to Mr. Smiths Desk.

Ellianna: Sir, I have a question.

Mr. Smith: Okay, how can I help you?

Ellianna:  I'm not here to fuel your conspiracy (I say jokingly) but, do you mind If I see the seating chart for next month if we do end up coming back?

Mr. Smith: *Laughs*, I honestly had a feeling you were going to ask me.

He proceeds to pull up a document and orders me to come around his desk and points to where I'd be sitting.  In big bold letters I see:

Desks 12 and 13: Ellianna Telinski & Jake Bell.

My eyes get big.

Mr. Smith: Your eyes just fueled my conspiracy by the way.

I laughed to break the silence

Ellianna: Well, thank you Sir, that's all I needed haha.

Mr Smith: Anytime, hey enjoy your break!

Ellianna: Thank you Sir, you too!

I say as I walk out.

Wow, so If we end up coming back to school I will be sitting next to Jake.  But I'm not too hopeful from the news I'm hearing.

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