Lockdown Blues

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March 20th, 2020

It's been almost a week since we left school for March break.  I've been doing the usual, wake up, eat breakfast, do my daily cardio, hang out with Veronica, repeat, lol.

We've been keeping up with the news and it's just becoming more and more clear that the cases of the virus are increasing in my city.  Although this really sucks, I'm glad to be off from school.  It's nice to have a little break every now and then.


2 Days Later


I'm sitting in my living room with Veronica and my parents and we're all watching the news because they're about to announce whether we go back to school or not.  I'm not showing it but I am extremely anxious, if we go back I will be sitting next to Jake.  My DREAM guy, I know it's selfish but... the heart wants what it wants I guess?

TV: "It has been decided by our municipality that schools will not proceed for the rest of the year.  It is our top priority to keep our students as safe as possible."

Veronica jumped up and was celebrating, while I just sort of sat there.  All that was going through my head was just why?  

Why right when things start looking up for me and I get to have the person of my dreams I get let down?  

I mean, ever since I could remember all I've seen was my friends being the lucky ones.  The ones with the perfect lives, perfect bodies, perfect outcomes in every situation.  Why does the moment it starts to get good for me a huge murderous virus comes and wipes out a quarter of my country's population???? Is this some kind of joke?  

Side note: No he hasn't added me back on any social medias at all either like FML

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