Was it just a dream?

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I've always thought about our galaxy.  The planets, the stars, the moon.  It was always fascinating to me that we can see the moon from our planet.  I found it even more fascinating that the sun is our internal clock.  It lights up to tell us that our day is beginning, and dims to tell us our day is almost over.  I wish the sun wasn't as simple as a "star".  The suns beauty is more complex than that.  It's my favourite part of our world, the way it brings warmth to our surface, reminding us that yes, summer is the best season.  The way it shines in my face whenever I wake up reminding me that it has risen...


Jake: Ellianna WAKE UP

I jumped up, I had stayed out all night talking to Jake and we fell asleep on the bench.

Ellianna: Oh my god it's 10am my family is probably going to be up soon if they're not already.

Jake: My dad is going to KILL ME.

Ellianna: Okay we need to leave NOW.

Me and Jake grabbed our bikes half asleep and raced back home waving each other off.  I can't imagine my moms face when she realizes i've been out all night, my ass is gonna get whooped.




It's officially bright out and I just pulled up to my house, my dads car is gone so he's definitely at work.

I slowly opened the garage, and let myself and my bike through.  

Moment of truth, I opened the door to my house carefully praying to god my family wasn't awake.


I took off my shoes and made my way in, no sign of family.  Coast is clear.

I felt my heart rate slowly go back to normal and a sigh of relief swept me away, until I opened the door to my room.


My mom was sitting my bed with her arms and legs crossed with an angry look on her face.


Mom: Ellianna, where the HELL were you?

Ellianna: Mom relax I went on a morning bike ride, I had to clear my head.

Mom: For 4 hours?? I was worried SICK Ellianna you weren't answering any texts, you better not be lying to me.

Ellianna: Yes I like to take my time and my phone was on DND, and why the hell would I lie to you mom, I tell you everything.

Mom: Well you got some hefty news yesterday, and when I woke up today you were completely gone, I even texted Veronica and she wasn't with you either.

Ellianna: I went alone Mom, I needed me time.

Mom: What has gotten into you Ellianna?  I get it you're upset about your dad but even before then, it feels like you've been hiding something.

Ellianna: Oh my god mom, can you drop it!?  I went on a bike ride early I needed to clear my head BY MYSELF okay? There is nothing more to it.

Mom: Okay Ellianna, I trust you, but please next time answer your phone.

Ellianna: I will, I'm sorry mom.

As she closed the door I realized how badly I wanted to tell her and Veronica, but this felt so special between me and Jake.  I mean, we just had our first kiss, in the most romantic place ever, was it bad that I wanted to keep it hidden?  

I laid down on my bed and checked my phone,



Jake Bell has added you back!


Jake Bell has requested to follow you


Oh god, I really do need to tell Veronica.

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