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I got home at around 8:30 am still BUZZING from what just happened.

I was genuinely in disbelief.  This was something I wouldn't have even imagined in my wildest dreams.  Now I just need to figure out when and how I'm going to tell Veronica.

I spent the whole day replaying the 4 hour long conversation I had with Jake.  It felt so real, and genuine.  He is not the guy I expected him to be at all, Veronica was really wrong.  He's sweet, he's easygoing and caring.  He told me about his parents and his siblings, he has more of a heart then I thought.  I mean he is very intimidating, he has that kind of beauty that can terrify someone.  Like Cleopatra, or like a greek god or something.  

I also told him a lot about myself, and he listens very well.  It was mainly random talk about movies, school, hockey, and more.  I felt really comfortable with him after a while, if I'm being honest he reminds me a lot of my dad, the way he talks, his humour.. I always said I wanted to marry someone with my dads good qualities. I couldn't help but think that maybe this is it?  This might be my person.

Oh who am I kidding, for all I know he could have met 700 other girls at that park at 4 am and talked with them all night as well.  Then it hit me, what the hell am I gonna tell my mom??

I mean her and Veronica are always the first to know about stuff with Jake.  But my mom would kill me for sneaking out.  Veronica would definitely tell my mom too out of excitement.  Oh god, I might have to keep this a secret for a while...

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