Edinson Dreams

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I had spend the next two weeks replaying the moment I had seen him outside of Farries with Veronica.  Eagerly waiting for the next time I get to see those beautiful eyes again.

It was 3 am and I was in bed thinking about this, but of course my mind had to ruin my own buzz.  I started thinking back to those girls he was with.  Is he dating any of them? Worse, is he doing stuff with them?  I decided to do some research.

I found some of those girls' instagram's and was just going through each post.  Perfect hair, perfect faces, ugh.  I moved to tiktok and ended up finding some videos of Jake and those girls.  I felt my face starting to heat up from jealousy and insecurity.  All of these girls are older, and prettier.  Why would he want anything to do with me when he has these girls?

I quickly turned my phone off and decided it was time to go to sleep.  But as I laid my head down, I realized that I should clear my head.  So I did what any irrational 14 year old girl would do when she wants to clear her head, I snuck out HEHE.

I slowly opened my garage by hand enough for me and my bike to fit through, and yes parents and brother were fast asleep.  After about 5 minutes of configuration, I was off.  Headphones in, streets are empty, and soon to be my mind as well. 

I biked around Veronicas neighborhood then ended up going to Edinson park.  If the sunset view is that nice, I bet the view at night is even more beautiful, I thought to myself.  

As I pulled up to Edinson park, I noticed the city lights from across the river and just started admiring the beauty in front of me.  I laid my bike down and made my way to the park patio in front of the river with 2 benches.  I sat down and just played my favourite band, The Neighborhood of course.  

I had their song "Single" playing and was almost brought to tears because I felt really

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I had their song "Single" playing and was almost brought to tears because I felt really... Alive in that moment.

I was about 1 minute into the song and my view watching and then I noticed a figure come and sit on the other bench next to the one I was sitting on.  I tried to make out who it was, but it was too dark so I just ignored it.  Kinda creepy lols.  

Then the tall figure came and sat next to me on my bench, I immediately thought I was going to be kidnapped and tortured at that moment.  I slowly took off my headphones with that damn good song still playing which could also be ruined because it could be that last song I hear EVER with this creepo next to me.

This person was wearing a black hoodie and black shorts.  By the hair on the legs and the demeanour I could definitely tell it was a guy.  Suddenly, The figure turns to look at me.  It took me a second but I noticed the freckles on his right cheek.

Could it be? Is this Jake???

Jake: Hey Thief.

He looks at me and smiles

Me: Jake? Is that you?

Jake: No it's a serial killer .*Sarcasm

Me: I wouldn't have been suprised, do you see what you're wearing??

Jake: Yeah I know, a bit creepy.

Me: Wait well, what are you doing here it's 4 in the morning.

Jake: I could ask you the same thing.

Me: Well, I had to clear my head.

Jake: So you snuck out and came here?

Me: Yeah, I biked here. Biking clears my head.

Jake: Do your parents know your here?

Me: Absolutely not , they would kill me.

Jake: So the phone thief is also a rebel ya?

Me: *Laughs*, well why are you here?

Jake: Same reason you're here.

Me: Had to clear your head?

Jake: yep, couldn't sleep either.

Me: Same here.

Jake: I should start calling you coloniser instead of thief now.

Me: Coloniser, *Laughs*, why's that?

Jake: Well this is usually my spot whenever I need to get air or get out of the house and now you've invaded it. *Sarcasm

Me: Maybe I should start calling you hoarder.

Jake: Oh why cuz I'm possessive?

Me: Exactly

Jake: No you're right actually I am possessive.

Me: How so?

Jake: Well, if you were my girlfriend I'd want you all to myself.


Me: Who says I'd be your girlfriend? (gotta eat him up w some sass)

Jake: Oufff, ouch. She's feisty too.

Me: *laughs*

Jake: Have you ever had a boyfriend?

Me: Uhm... no, haha.

Jake: Really? I'm suprised.

Me: Why's that?

Jake: Well you're gorgeous for a freshman.

Me: Oh thank you, *nervously laughs*, have you ever had one?

Jake:  A girlfriend? No that's not for me.

Me: Oh.

Jake: What

Me: Well I saw you with those girls a few weeks ago at Farries, kind of assumed you would be experienced .

Jake: Well just cuz I never had a girlfriend doesn't mean I'm not experienced.

Me: Ohh you're one of them, hahaaa.

Jake: Ok wow so we're judging now, *laughs*




Jake and I had been talking ALL NIGHT, and we watched the sunrise together on that same bench.  WHAT IS MY LIFE.

Me: Oh shit, it's 8 in the morning.

Jake: I didn't even notice holy shit.

Me: I should probably get going, my dads gonna be up in an hour for work.

Jake: Yeah I should go to.

As we're picking up our bikes and parting ways...

Jake: Hey Thief.

I turned around

Jake: Nice talking to you.

Me: I thought it was Coloniser now? I say sarcastically.

Jake laughs and waves me goodbye.

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