The aftermath

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Ugh, finally after almost two hours of anxiety, sweaty palms, and a hell of a tangent from Mr. Smith, I have one more class and then I can get my ass home.

The moment I left the classroom, my anxiety started to vanish, and become more of an excitement... I mean yeah, I was freaking out because JAKE BELL, my dream guy is in MY class.

I rush to my fourth-period class smiling ear to ear and get situated and comfy in the back of the class with my school friends.  As I thought to myself, "This has got to be one of the best days of my life".

After a boring 125-minute class, I finally get to go home until I remember that my mom and Veronica are gonna freak out when they hear the news about Jake being in my class.  I drive Veronica back home every day because my mom finishes work so this is a perfect opportunity to tell them.  

I find Veronica at my locker and we both head to find my mom ready to pick us up,  the moment we get into the car my mom asks me why I'm so giggly.  I proceed to tell them about Jake and both of them let out the loudest scream I have ever heard, I still think that I have hearing problems because of it.

They begin to start going on about how much of a great opportunity this is for me to get to know him, talk to him, and potentially date him...

When I got home I started thinking about the possibilities of this actually happening, trying to wrap my head around how this even happened and in what world would this happen to me of all people.  I am so used to seeing my friends and other people get with cute guys while I sit and listen to their experiences and stories, but finally, this may be my time.

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