Chapter One

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Mel's POV:


My alarm woke me at the crack of dawn. I needed to get up and get ready to go out and find a job. I graduated last month with my business degree and it has been a nightmare to find a job that fits within that degree. At this point, I'm desperate and will take anything in the business world to help boost my non-existent resume. I laid in bed for a few more minutes until my snooze alarm went off and decided that I've had enough being lazy and needed to get up.

I got up and did my morning routine which consisted of showering, brushing my teeth, putting on deodorant and finding an outfit. I went with a knee length pencil skirt, a slight puffy sleeved peach blouse and black heels to look smart and professional. I decided to hit some of the bigger companies today and see about some assistant or secretarial jobs that may be available. I grabbed a strawberry muffin and a coffee on my way out to my car and headed towards the bigger part of the city.

Once there, I finished my breakfast and decided to go sit at a small coffee shop to look up some jobs. The smell of coffee relaxed me and the atmosphere gave me enough peace to look on my laptop for job openings nearby. I had just gotten everything set up at my little table when a girl sat next to me while talking on the phone. I was waiting for my computer to boot up when I heard her sniffling and talking.

"I know, can you believe he just fired me? I mean, ME of all people! I was the best assistant he ever and will ever have. I thought we had something, ya know? Then, first thing this morning when I tried to talk to him about going further with our relationship, he fired me! Well I've got news for Kellan Martin, he hasn't seen the last of me!"

Her name was finally called and she got up and left. I didn't mean to eavesdrop but when she said "assistant", I had to try and figure out where she was from. The only way to find out was to google the name she had mentioned. When I typed in, "Kellan Martin", dozens of articles about his company Martin Inc. came up. It wasn't too far from where I was, so I decided to take the short walk around the corner and ask about the opening by saying I heard the news of it from a friend. I spent a little more time searching for other businesses and finally decided to leave.

As I approached the building, I got a queasy feeling in my stomach from the nerves, but I was desperate for a job. Just as I was about to approach the door, someone bumped into me. I looked up and found a man with black hair, green eyes and a thin layer of stubble on his chin. He was dressed in a nice, seemingly expensive suit and glossy dress shoes. I opened my mouth to apologize but he beat me to it.

"Watch where you are going, klutz," he shook his head and headed towards a car waiting at the curb.

"You ran into me, asshole," I said under my breath and continued into the building. I walked to the front desk and was greeted by a young, friendly looking woman who gave me a warm smile.

"Hello! How can I help you today?" she asked.

"Hello! I heard from a friend that Mr. Martin was looking for a new assistant. How do I go about applying for the job?" I asked her.

"Well news travels fast, doesn't it?" she giggled, "There is a link on the website that I can give you the information for. Go on that website and fill that out and it will give you a time and date for your interview."

"Oh, great! Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome! I am Kenzie, by the way. You seem very friendly and not like the other women who apply. I hope it goes well for you! It would be nice having a friend in the building!"

"I am Melanie Loxner, I hope everything goes well because I could really use this job!" I told her.

"Well, are you doing anything for lunch? I would love some company and I can try and help you get prepared for an interview!" she looked at me with what looked like hope in her eyes and I couldn't think to say no to such a sweet girl.


Kenzie and I went to a diner down the block and ordered a couple of burgers since she said they were the best in the city. She was giving me some background on the company and all of its accomplishments and awards, saying that it's always nice to know the background info of a company when interviewing for the CEO's assistant. She said everyone who applies gets an interview and goes in with the COO first, then if they pass that, they interview with Mr. Martin himself next.

After about 45 minutes of her drilling information in my head, she had to head back. I decided to go ahead and head back home to fill out the application for an interview and cross my fingers that it happens soon. Rent was due in three weeks, and I will not call and ask my mother for another loan if I could absolutely help it. I'm grown and out of the house so now it is my responsibility to take care of myself.

Once I filled out the application, I got an email saying that my interview will be at 8:30 am the next morning. I was so nervous that I didn't even eat dinner before taking a long bath and crawling into bed after taking my anxiety medication. I've been on medication for my anxiety disorder for almost ten years after the car accident that killed my father and left me broken and scarred down my right thigh. I blamed myself for years and it took lots of therapy and playing with the dosage of my meds for me to accept it wasn't my fault but the drunk drivers.

After reading for a while, I decided to turn in and get a good night's rest before my interview tomorrow.


The next morning, I was up at 6 am to get ready. I did my regular morning routine and picked out a knee length kelly green slim fit dress with a brown belt and some brown heels. I curled my hair and ran my fingers through it to get beautiful big curls and put on some light makeup. I made it to the building at 8 am and approached Kenzie. She had a huge smile on her face and was waving like a dork at me.

"I saw your name on the list for this morning at 8:30! You look absolutely gorgeous! I realized yesterday I didn't give you my number so you could let me know when you were coming in! Well, you're thirty minutes early which is amazing. Let me call up to Mr. Curtis to see if he is ready for you since you're early!"

This girl talks enough to carry a conversation all by herself, but I am not complaining. I don't have any friends because I have zero patience for people normally. I've also always been a loner. Kenzie was a breath of fresh air because she was just a genuinely good person at heart which you could tell right away.

"Mr. Curtis is ready for you. Take this key card to the black elevator and scan it. It will take you directly to his floor and the secretary up there, Julie, will lead you to his office. Be aware, Julie is not the nicest person so don't take her resting bitch face to heart. She's like that with everyone except Mr. Curtis and Mr. Martin," she winked and walked back to her desk.

I took a deep cleansing breath and let it out. Time to go meet Mr. Curtis.

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