Chapter Sixteen

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Mel's POV:

I woke up the next morning to very little light coming into the room. It took me a few minutes to remember where I was. All of the memories from last night came rushing back and I could feel my cheeks heat up in a blush. I rolled over to look at Kellan but found the bed cold and empty. That means he either had been up for awhile or he didn't sleep here.

I was sad. I don't know why I thought he would be here when I woke up. This is not how I figured my first sexual experience would go. Most, if not all, people think they are going to be swept off their feet and taken to bed only to wake up in the arms of the person they shared their most intimate parts with. Not to wake up in a cold bed and alone.

I start to think maybe he went to get breakfast or something so I roll over and find my phone to see what time it was. I realized it was after 9 am which means I am really late to work. Why didn't he wake me? That's when I remember I have no other work clothes other than the ones I wore yesterday.

I was about to just put them back on when I looked to the foot of the bed and found a gorgeous red dress with a black belt that flared out from the waste and ended just above the knee. I also had a new set of red lingerie. I smiled to myself and quickly got dressed so I could sneak through his office and start my day.

After getting ready, I made sure I looked presentable in the bathroom before I went to the door connected to his office. I took a big breath and let it out before I confidently opened the door and stepped inside. Luckily, he was the only one in the office to see me escaping. Just as I passed his desk and went to go out to my office, he spoke.

"Nice of you to finally join us Ms. Loxner. I hope you have a very good explanation as to why you're over two hours late?" he said in annoyance. I froze and just stared at him wide eyed. Did I dream what happened between us? Why is he acting so cold towards me. I dropped my jaw in shock and held in the frustrated tears that were brimming my eyes.

"I'm sorry, Sir, but my alarm did not go off and I overslept. Believe me, it won't happen again," I said referring to both being late and sleeping with him. If this was how he was going to act, then he didn't deserve me.

"I would hope not. Please go make arrangements for us to go on a business trip to Korea next week. You will need to join me and we will be there for five days. MAke sure my jet is ready on Tuesday at five in the morning and book a room for you in the Regency Hotel," he said without looking up from his laptop. I felt a tear drop and quickly wiped it away before he saw.

"What about your room, sir?"

"I own the hotel so I will be staying in the penthouse. Just make sure to talk to Kwan and have him make sure that it is ready and fully stocked to my needs. He knows what to do if you just give him the date and time of arrival."

"Yes, sir," I said through clenched teeth and exited the room to go to the bathroom. Once I got in the bathroom, I collapsed and couldn't keep the tears at bay. I gave my first sexual experience to a man I barely knew who is also my boss and now he regrets it. I feel so humiliated. From now on, I will act professional and avoid being alone with him.


It is now Tuesday at four in the morning. I have avoided Kellan all week except for in professional settings and never stayed past clock out time. I also made it a point to have Kenz meet me in my office at the end of the day to walk out together. One night, Kellan had asked me to stay later to "go over some paperwork for Korea" but I told him I wasn't feeling well and needed to go home.

I got to the office early so that I could gather any files we would need and extra things to work on during the flight over since it will be a long flight and I wanted nothing to do with Kellan on a personal level right now.

After gathering everything I need, I quickly rushed to the town car that Kellan had sent to my home to pick me up this morning so I didn't have to leave my car at the airport. It was nice of him but I could have found another solution on my own or just leave my car. It's not like it's an expensive car so if it got damaged, It would be the end of the world.

We arrived at the jet at half past four and I quickly got on and picked a seat that was alone in the back of the plane. I pulled out the files for Korea and immediately started to review them so I knew the information forwards and backwards.

At exactly 5 am, Mr. Martin walked onto the plane. He looked around until he found me and had a look of annoyance on his face. I had no idea why he was annoyed with me. Maybe it was because he couldn't sit next to me or perhaps he was already tired of my presence. I didn't know and I didn't care to ask him. I just looked down and continues reviewing the files.

After a few hours on the plane and countless requests from Kellan to come and sit with him to work together, I found myself falling asleep. Just as I was on the brink of darkness, I felt myself being lifted and carried to the back of the plane. I felt a warm and soft surface underneath me and then heard the words, "I'm sorry" whispered in my ear then I was dropped into darkness.


Kellan's POV:

I was excited for this long ass plane ride with no one else but Mel. I needed her to talk to me since she had been avoiding me all week. Once I entered the plane and saw that she had taken the only seat that sat alone on the plane, I was frustrated. I know I hurt her the morning after when she was late for work.

I was a dick, I admit. I could have woken her up but I knew she was exhausted. I could have to excused the tardiness since I technically knew where she was, but I didn't. I need to separate our personal relationship and professional relationship. I should have explained it to her rather than being an asshole but I didn't because I've never done this type of relationship before.

Have I fucked a few of my assistants? Maybe two but it was a one time thing and then it was done and over with. When they couldn't understand that and tried to get with me again, I fired them for not doing their work. I'm an asshole, I know.

When I noticed that Mel was falling asleep while doing her work, I decided to take her to the bedroom where she could sleep, I could sleep on the plush couch. I just wanted her to be comfortable. When I picked her up, I noticed she was working on things ahead of schedule. She is the most dedicated assistant I have ever had not to mention the most mature. Even after I treated her like shit, she still does an impeccable job and stays professional.

Once I got her to the bed, I couldn't help but give her a featherlight kiss to the forehead and whisper, "I'm sorry" then retreated to the couch to sleep.


A/N: This was more of a filler chapter but I hope you're enjoying the story! Please vote, comment, follow and/or share the story with friends!

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