Chapter Twenty-Five

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Mel's POV:

After Kenz wrapped up her leftover food, I didn't have any leftover since I finished mine, we decided to go to her favorite boutique to shop for some dresses. We left the restaurant and hailed a taxi to take us the three blocks down to the store. When we arrived, we went in and I was immediately swept away to a changing room and Kenz started to bring me dresses she thought would look good after I told her that I was a size 4.

The first dress was a green mermaid style dress that I wasn't that impressed with but I humored Kenz by trying it on anyway. The problem was that I couldn't zip it. So we decided to move to the next. Dress after dress, I couldn't quite zip them all the way. I chalked it up to gaining a little weight or being bloated after eating so we decided to go up to a size 6.

The first size 6 dress that was brought to me was a royal purple, empire waist chiffon dress that I absolutely fell in love with. I tried it on and it felt heavenly against my skin. I knew then that I had to by this one. I looked drop-dead gorgeous in it as well. Kellan was going to go crazy when he saw me in it. When Kenzie saw it on, her jaw almost hit the floor.

Along with the purple dress, I also bought a blue, asymmetrical dress, a yellow short cocktail dress and then decided to take a couple of my own fancy maxi dresses since it seemed I had gone up a size or two, I wanted a couple of dresses that I would be comfortable in just in case I bloated again after eating.

After shopping, Kenzie and I decided to go back to my apartment and have a girl's night before my flight in the morning. We ate and had a glass of wine a piece and watched tacky girly movies until we passed out on my couches in the living room. I was glad to have made a friend when I got hired at Martin Inc. that was a true, genuine person.


The next morning, I am sitting on Kellan's private jet with sunglasses on and trying to get a few extra minutes of sleep since I had to wake up at three this morning to pack and make sure I made it to the tarmac in time for the flight at 5. Kellan was talking to the pilot making sure that everything was ready for our departure.

After confirming that we were ready for takeoff, Kellan came and sat across from me. He couldn't see that I was awake behind my sunglasses and I couldn't help but check him out. He was dressed in off-white dress pants and a royal blue loose button up shirt that was tucked into his pants and the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. He looked absolutely delicious.

Once we were in the air and the seat belt sign was turned off, the flight attendant came to ask of we needed anything. She asked Kellan if he would like anything with her hand on his arm and biting her lip while she fluttered her eyelashes at him. He smile at her and glanced in her direction to say he needed some coffee. She walked away without even asking me if I would like anything with a sway to her hips and Kellan watched her.

It hurt. I was being foolish because we weren't in any type of relationship other than sex. That was it. We had agreed to be exclusive but he had a habit of breaking his own rules. We also never said how long we would continue this arrangement. Who's to say that he won't get bored and break it off at anytime. I could tell that he had slept with the attendant in the way she interacted with him. Maybe he misses who he used to be.

I felt the burn behind eyes and knew I was about to embarrass myself. I decided to get up and go to the bathroom and collect myself before moving to the bedroom in the back of the plane to get a few more hours of sleep. Maybe Kellan can go and fuck the attendant now that I would be out of the way.

As I went to pass by Kellan to go to the bathroom, he grabbed my arm and asked where I was going. I jerked my arm away from him and decided to be petty by not answering him. I continued on my way to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I removed my sunglasses and leaned my head back against the wall and took three deep breaths to control the tears that were trying to fall. I was being absolutely ridiculous. Why was I crying?

When I opened the door to the bathroom, Kellan was standing there and he looked concerned. I went to scoot past him and he pushed me into the bedroom and I fell forward onto the bed. I turned to a seated position and looked at my hands in my lap waiting for him to speak or leave.

"What's wrong?" he asked me.

"Nothing is wrong. I'm just tired and would like to get some more sleep, so if you will excuse me, I think I will lie down in here."

"Mel, don't lie to me."

"Oh, whatever. Go back to your flight attendant and leave me the hell alone," It popped out before I had meant it to. I didn't mean to show my cards but my mouth had a mind of it's own lately. He looked at me with narrowed eyes without saying anything. The intensity in his stare made me squirm.

"You're jealous, why?" he asked.

"I'm not jealous of a whore. You obviously have a history with her so why don't you go pick up where you left off. I saw you watching her walk away from you." His fingers went into my hair and lightly gripped it and pulled my head back to look him in the eye.

"First of all, cut the attitude. Second, yes, I do have a history with her but that's just what it is, a history. When she came back, I explained who you were and that I was not interested in her anymore. She apologized and went back to doing her job. Next time, ask before jumping to conclusions."

"You explained who I am? Who am I to you?" I asked in confusion. I never knew we had a label or anything of the sort.

"Isn't it obvious? You're mine. Simple as that." With that, he pulled my head to him and kissed me with so much passion that I lost my breath. He slowly stripped me of all of my clothes and laid me out of the bed. He looked at me laid bare before him and I swear that I saw his eyes turn several shades darker.

He stripped himself out of his own clothes and slowly took his fingertips and lightly ran them down every inch of my body. Goosebumps appeared everywhere that his fingers came into contact with my skin.

"I love the way you respond to my touch. This, this is why you're mine.

"Yes," I whispered and started to writhe underneath his touch.

"Now, I need you to do something for me. I need you to moan as loud as you can to let that stewardess know exactly who you are. Can you be a good girl and do that for me?" I nodded my head. "I need words, baby".

"Yes, sir."

"Then let's begin," he said with a smirk. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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