Chapter Twenty

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Mel's POV:

I just got off the plane from Korea and to say that I was exhausted was an understatement. Normally, I would be in the office and I was going to rush to the office after dropping my bags at home but Kellan messaged me and told me I could have to day off to rest and recharge after our trip and that he would see me tomorrow. I decided that I would go home and soak in a nice long bubble bath and have a glass of wine then, I would have an early bedtime.

I soaked in the tub for about an hour and a half with a nice glass of wine. As I was in there, I thought about everything that happened while we were in Korea. I can't believe I slept with my best friend's brother who also happens to be my boss. I don't know how I will explain any of this to Kenz. Do I tell her or do I keep it to myself? I've never been in this situation so I wasn't sure what the right thing to do would be.

I got out of the tub and dressed in a night satin lace nightwear set and settled into my bed for a good night's rest. I didn't sleep at all on the plane. Despite that, I found that I couldn't fall asleep in my own bed. I tossed and turned and still couldn't fall asleep. I got my phone and scrolled through social media for a while and still nothing happened. I got a book and tried to read since reading and writing are my passions.

When the book didn't make me tired, I decided I would get my laptop out and start writing something. Not sure what to start with, I just let my hands take me where they willed. When I had a paragraph written, I paused to read what I had and was astonished at what came out of my head.

Apparently, I had started writing a book. Not just any book. I was writing a book about an assistant who was sleeping with her boss behind everyone's back including her best friend's. How ironic. I needed to get this out of me and so I decided to keep writing and then I would pull Kenz aside at lunch and talk to her about it whether she was upset with me or not.

Just as I was about to close my computer, I had a notification pop up from the local spam news station about Mr. Martin. I had my notifications specific to pop up with any news including him in case I needed to work on a spin story to contradict what was being said. When I opened the article, I didn't even read it because I immediately saw a picture of him with a beautiful blonde bombshell of a woman.

I was heartbroken. He spent all his time worshiping me and my body in Korea and then he appears not even 48 hours later at an event with a different beautiful woman. I wasn't sure how to feel other than disappointed. But I had to admit that he made me no promises in Korea. He had already broken the rule of whatever would happen would be in the bedroom in his office so why couldn't he change his mind about us being exclusive for the duration of our relationship?

Yes, he gave me immense pleasure and took my virginity but he made no promises to me beyond pleasure. Except, when he said we would be exclusive for the duration of our relationship... I guess that since he had thrown his rules out the window, it means that he was done with this relationship. I guess it was a good thing we signed the NDA.

I decided right then that what we had in Korea was just that and I was going to move on. I just hoped that I could when I was around him almost every single day. I was done.


Kellan's POV:

I hated that I had to leave Mel behind but I had totally forgotten about this event that I was supposed to go to. Normally, I would take Mel with me but this wasn't for business so there was no reason to take her with me unless I wanted to raise suspicion about our relationship and I didn't want that neither did she but she didn't know it.

Paparazzi would be all over her life if I had brought her with me so it was just easier to bring Erica. She's been bothering me all night, asking me where I was this past week and why I never called hr back after all the times she had tried to call me. She doesn't understand what the term, " I had a business meeting" means, apparently.

She talked my ear off all night and by the time I reached my office afterword, all I wanted to do was call Mel so she could meet me here but I know she just got home and is probably exhausted and I was quite exhausted myself. The event tonight was thrown by my parents and of course, my mother just loves Erica to death and was asking when I would truly settle down. I couldn't stand it so I drank a little more than I am used to. All I did when I got to my office is crash on the couch. I couldn't even make it to the bedroom.


I woke up to a pounding sound at the door.

"Go away," I mumbled into the pillow.

"Mr. Martin?" Then more knocking. "Mr. Martin? It's Miss Loxner. Can I come in?" Miss Loxner? What is she doing at my house?

"Mr. Martin, I'm coming in to make sure you're alright," she said and then I heard the door knob turn and I prayed to everything there is that I was at least decent. "Mr. Martin, are you alright?" I felt her small hand come to rest on my shoulder and that's when I remembered that I had fallen asleep on the couch in my office.

"Yes, yes I am fine. I was just so tired, I guess I didn't make it to my room last night. Why are you here so early, Miss Loxner?"

"Sir, it's after 8:30 in the morning. I've been here for some time. I actually thought I had arrived before you but when you never showed, I figured you were in here. I guess I was right. You have a meeting in 30 minutes. Are you sure you don't want me to reschedule?"

"No, that's okay. I will just grab a quick shower and I will be there on time. Thank you, Mel," I said. I could tell she tensed up when I used her first name so I quickly corrected it to her professional name.

"Thank you, sir. I do hope that we can be professional when we are at work. It's more suitable."

She quickly left my office and I could only wonder what she meant by that after the crazy time we had in Korea. I thought we were on first name basis. Maybe I'm reading too far into it. Maybe she meant while we are here during work. If not, I can only hope I didn't do something stupid when I was drinking on the plane or last night. 

She could be upset that I left her in Korea but I made sure she got home safe and sound. I just need to talk to her when we have the time. After this meeting. Yes, after this meeting.

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