Chapter Fourteen

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Mel's POV:

A couple of weeks have gone by since my first wet dream of Mr. Martin. I wish I could say that it was the first and the last but that would be a lie. The dreams have gone from spicy like when we were on the dancefloor to more realistic of him yelling at me for daydreaming about him during meetings and then punishing me in very, very sexy ways. I have tried to just keep my head down and do my job without interacting with him more than I have to.

I have stopped avoiding Kenzie because it's not her fault that I am having a hard time with my emotions when I am around Mr. Martin. I'm meeting Kenzie today for lunch and I am going to tell her what's been going on and hope that she can help me figure out how to get my emotions in check.

Right before noon, Mr. Martin called me into his office and I didn't waste any time going in so that I could still make it to my lunch with Kenz. When I get into his office, I see that he is looking at an email on his computer. He asks me to come over and look at the email and make note of the meeting time. I thought it was odd that he asked me to do this instead of forwarding the email to me and asking me to take note of the date.

I went over and stood behind his desk next to his chair and slightly leaned forward to where I could see the screen properly. I looked all over the email and saw no mention of the meeting time.

"Mr. Martin, I see no mention of a meeting time on this part of the email. Could you scroll down a little bit and see if it is there?" I asked.

"Ah, my apologies, Ms. Loxner. Here you are," He says as he scrolls down to the bottom. As I lean closer, I feel something on the back of my thigh. I thought nothing of it at first until I felt the undeniable feeling of fingers running up the back of my thigh, gripping my ass and pulling me into Mr. Martin's lap. I was so surprised that I didn't see his head coming towards me until his lips connected with mine. I was shocked but after a couple of seconds, I kissed him back.

"What are you doing?" my subconscious yelled at me. I had no idea what I was doing but I had had enough of denying what I felt for this man. My boss. I was having another wet dream, I just know it. There is no way that this is happening in real life. His lips trailed from my lips and down the column of my neck while his hand was squeezing my hips in a goosebump causing grip. After a couple of minutes, he trailed kisses back up my neck and pecked my lips and my nose one last time. Then, he gently pushed me up and out of his lap.

"You may go to lunch now, Ms. Loxner," then he acted like nothing had just happened. I furrowed my eyebrows as I headed out of his office, confused by what had just happened. When I got to my desk, I slowly sat in my chair and pinched myself but I never woke up. Holy fuck! That really just happened to me. I hurriedly picked up my purse and my phone and headed to the elevator to go and meet Kenz at the cafeteria. There was no way I could say anything to her now. Not until I figure out what the hell is going on.


Kellan's POV:

What the fuck am I doing? She is my employee and I can't be doing this. I have too much going on in my life to be hitting on my assistant not to mention kissing her. I have to get my emotions in check and figure my shit out. I will just act like nothing happened and maybe she will forget that I even did that. It's so hard to keep everything at bay when my pants get tighter every time she is near.

There is just something about her that draws mw in like no one I've ever been near before. Maybe it's her green eyes or her black hair. Maybe it was her wide hips and waist that had just the perfect amount of meat on her bones. She wasn't tiny but she wasn't overweight either which made her just the right amount of sexiness. I could just imagine grabbing on to her curves while fucking her from behind. Shit, now my pants are too tight.

What am I going to do? I have to get my head off of her or I might explode. Or, I could make a proposal she couldn't refuse. Maybe a little no strings attached office sex will intrigue her? Just maybe.


Mel's POV:

My lunch with Kenzie went well but I couldn't bring myself to mention anything that had happened with Kellan. He was her brother and both of our bosses so I wasn't sure how she would react. I also don't want to risk getting fired because I was caught making out with the boss. I couldn't risk losing this job.

It was the end of the day and I was exhausted. Mostly from work but also because my emotions were taking a massive toll on me. I just needed to forget everything with Kellan and focus on work before I get fired for not focusing. I was just shutting everything down when I got a message from Mr. Martin asking for me to join him in his office. Cue the nerves.

I walked sort of slowly towards his office and eventually made it to the door. I took a deep breath and let it out before I entered. When I did, the image I saw had my panties in a wet mess. Kellan was sitting behind his desk with his tie undone, his suit jacket gone and sleeves rolled to his elbows with a few button undone on his shirt. He was speaking on the phone but his heated eyes were focused on me.

"Yes, I'm working late tonight but I'll be there as soon as I can. Uh-huh, goodbye," he said into his phone. He hung up and leaned forward in his chair without taking his eyes off of my for even a second. "Ms. Loxner, I have something I would like to discuss with you. Would you like to join me for dinner? I ordered Italian which should be here anytime."

I gulped and nodded my head. "What's this about?" Please don't fire me, please don't fire me, is all I could think in my head.

"Well, I guess there is no point in waiting until the food gets here. I want you," my heart stopped at his confession, "I know you find me attractive and I find you incredibly sexy. What I'm proposing is a physical relationship only. I would still be your boss but we would just have some extra curricular fun after work. I don't expect an answer immediately as you need to think about your decision but I would like an answer as soon as possible."

I was stunned. Do I want to have a physical only relationship with my boss? I've never done this before. If I say no, will he fire me or will we go back to just being boss and assistant. My face must have been easy to read because he started speaking again.

"No, I will not fire you if you say no. I just know what I want and I go after it. We would only meet here at the office as I have a bedroom connected to my personal office and we will remain monogamous to each other. I just know I feel something towards you and I would like to explore it," he explained.

I nodded my head and thought for the duration of our meal and by the time we had finished eating, I had my decision but I also had to let him know something extremely important that may change his mind about this.

"Okay, I agree to this proposal of yours but I must let you know that I am a virgin. I've never even been kissed other than you, I know it's pathetic but true so I thought I should tell you in case it changes your mind."

"On the contrary. It makes me feel alive and very possessive towards you. Hope you don't have anywhere else to be. We will be starting tonight," he said with a wicked grin.

Well, here we go.


A/N: Sorry I've not updated this in a while. I'm trying to get my other book finished before going too far in this one but I felt creative this evening. Please let me know what you think! Vote, comment, share or message me your thoughts! I'm always up for a chat! Thanks for reading!

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