Intermission and Teaser #35

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"So this is it," Thor said. "They finally make him pay for his crimes."

"Yes," Uatu admitted. "Although it will be a bloody fight."

"Considering this guy's track record, I am not surprised," Tony said.

"I agree," Steve replied. "I can see why we would need to be warned about him."

"He is a threat we need to look out for," Stephen agreed. "But we must first stop Thanos." 

"We know," Tony replied. "So we have to make plans for Thanos, Magneto, Juggernaut and several others."

"You all seem to finally realize what is at stake," Uatu told them. "Thanos, Magneto, all the other villains in the the universes I show you guys, they exist in the your universe as well. They may not have gotten their powers, they may not be evil yet, but you must be aware of them, you must stop them, no matter what."

"We will," Tony said. "Seems we all have to put aside any grudges we have against each other and focus on stopping the bad guys."

As he said this, he looked at Bucky. "I don't know if I can ever forgive you for killing my parents. But I can put aside my  hatred. Until after we handle Thanos and whatever else gets thrown our way."

"Thank you," Bucky said. "I know you more than likely won't ever forgive me for killing you dad and mom, but I'd like a chance. If you can give me that."

Extending his hand Tony said: "I think I can allow that."

"Thank you," Bucky repeated, taking his hand and shaking it.

"Shall we continue," Uatu asked, hiding his smile. The plan was working. Even more progress had been made.

 Even more progress had been made

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"So this is it. Magneto finally pays for his crimes," Thor, who seemed to loathe Magneto more than anyone else, stated.

"Seems like it," Tony said.

An) Done. So some more character development has happened. Which is good because despite being a reaction fanfic, this really lacks a lot of that. So next chapter will be the end of the Ultimatum.

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