She's The One: Chapter 1

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She's The One

A girl named Mila thought she was living a normal life but as she soon discovered the truth thing's took a turn for the worse. Mila and her boyfriend lived in one apartment on the south side of New york. They both pitch in on rent because they can't afford to live separately. They both ran away from home to be together because their parent's didn't agree with them dating. Toby Mila's boyfriend was in a gang a few year's before they started dating Mila however was a sweet and nice girl and Toby hasn't told her since they started dating. Toby works in a mechanic shop and Mila works for a baker baking cake's and experiments with new sweets. One day when Mila decides to bring a cake to Toby and his friend's at the mechanic shop for their hard work she find's out Toby doesn't work there and wonder's where he's been getting the money to pay for rent and this is how it all starts.

When Mila arrived the mechanic's she yell's for Toby. "Toby! Toby where are you!" A guy comes out from the back hearing Mila yelling for Toby. "Im not Toby but do you need help?" he replies in a nice tone. "yeah im looking for my boyfriend Toby, have you seen him anywhere?" she say's while still looking around for him. "Toby? theirs no one here named Toby" he say's with a confused look. "Are you sure? do you have a list if employees that work here or something? maybe you missed him he only started a week ago" she replies. "Yes we do have a list i can check for you on the computer in the office come on in and we will have a look" They both go into the back office and check the list employees. When both come out Mila look's like she's been memory wiped. "Im so sorry i wasted your time i thought for sure he said he worked here" she say's. "No problem we don't get a lot of people in the fall anyway so were not that busy." He wave's bye as you start walking out of the mechanics and back to your apartment complex.


Guns click back and you can hear them being test fired. Your boss enter's the room as soon as you finish loading your gun. "Toby. How are we looking? did you find the witness yet?" your boss ask's "Yes boss he's at the park not far from here i'm going there now" he replies. "Ok get on it. We can't let this one get to the cop's like the last one. We're lucky we had a guy on the inside to bad he had to die he would have been useful now" he say's as he walk's away. You drive to the park and arrive in a black van just as you see someone walking away. You look on your phone at the tracker and it matches the guy walking. You slowly get out of the van and start walking in the guys direction until your close enough to point your gun at him to get him to stop and the guy start's speaking. "H-hey man listen you don't have to do this! y-you can just walk away and i won't t-tell no one i swear!" you stare at him with a deadly stare and you take the shot. "Yes i do" you say. You start to drag his body into the back of your van.


As your walking back to your apartment complex still confused you take the long way across the park to think about what you've just learned. As your walking you jump in fear at the sound of what sounded like a gunshot at the other side of the park. You rush to check it out and hide behind a tree as you come up you see somebody dragging a body into a black van. "Oh my god" you say to yourself as you hall out your phone dialing the police. When the guy look's up from dragging the body he sees your bright phone light shining in the dark sky. When you look again he's a couple of feet away from you. Scared you drop your phone and start running as fast as you can, you run into a alley and find out that there's no way out. When you turn around there he is. It's to dark to see his face but with the light pole above you he can see yours. You hold your breath and close your eyes feeling his cold foggy breath on your face. After a couple of minute's you realize it's stopped and when you open your eyes he's gone it's like he wasn't even there. You rush back home to tell Toby what you saw and what happened but when you get back he's not there. You wonder where he could be at this time of night but you don't dwell on it and you go to sleep or try to at least but your to shook up about what you saw that night.

Couple of hours later

After a couple of hours has past you look at the time and realize that you have work tomorrow so you lay down and try to sleep but just before you get the chance you hear your apartment door opening. You open your bedroom door expected to see Toby but all you see is a man in a ski mask with something in his hand. You try to get a closer look but the floor of your bedroom creaks and the man swirls around and put's his eyes on you, he start's walking towards your bedroom and as he does you close your door and lock it in a panic. It doesn't take long before the man is able to break it down and get in, scared for your life you try to run past him but he knocks you out cold in the middle of your room. When you wake up a massive wave of pain comes to your head you to try put your hand up to your head but realize your strung up by chains. All you see around you are guy's with guns loading them and shooting them at target's, as you start to open your eyes more you see a guy standing in front of you with something in his hand. When you look up you see Toby. "Toby? i-is that you?" he doesn't speak but you know it's him, "Toby w-what's happening" he finally speaks up "Im sorry this had to happen like this Mila but if you weren't in that park tonight it never would have happened. We could have had a happy life together but now it has to come to an end" he say's. "W-what are you talking about? t-that was you? how could you kill a man Toby this isn't you!" she replies. "This has always been me! every since we ran away how do you think i've been getting the money? not just from a mechanic shop. You should be happy I'm doing this, i'm doing this for you!" he says with a angry look on his face.

(Pay pal me 1.34$ for part 2. Just kidding. Maybe.)

(word count 1234)

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