She's The One: Chapter 5

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Meanwhile: Mila

When you get into the bathroom you turn on the hot water in the shower, while waiting for it to warm up you hear a noise out in the kitchen, and you go to check it out. "H-hello? is anyone there?" You ask but there's no reply so you turn around to go back to the shower but when you do you feel a gag cover your mouth, you try to kick your way out but it's no use the person is to strong. On your way out you kick over a vase hoping for Ember to wake up but before you know it your already in the back of a van tied up speeding down the road.

Hours later: Ember

when you wake up and get dressed and you realize Mila didn't come back to bed so you go to check on the couch, on the way out you see that the shower is still running and that there's a broken vase by the door that's left wide open with a trail of blood leading outside and then it stop's before you try to track them to see where they wen't you call your boss Zane and the other's and tell them what happened and they rush over as fast as they could. "What happened here Ember" Zane ask's Ember with a mad look on his face like it was her fault. "I don't know boss i thought this place was safe, i made sure we weren't followed and i made sure the window's were blocked so no one could see inside" Ember replies. "Well you didn't do a good job now did you" Zane say's with an angry look on his face. "I'll get the guy's working on tracking where they took her but for now all we can do is get ready to go after her, did you manage to set her up with a new life yet?" Ember ask's. "No it's to soon to try and get her set up with a new life now, with all the scorpion's and her boyfriend being alive he's going to try and get her back and if we try and move her now they could be watching our every move" Zane replies. "We have to get her out of here Zane it's not safe for her here especially not since the scorpion's have gotten word that she's with us and were in the middle of a war here" Ember say's with a worried look on her face.

Meanwhile: Mila

While you're in the back of the van almost bare naked you try to escape but realize that your handcuffed to the metal bar on the side of the van, "What do you want! who are you!" you ask but no one answer's you. Soon the van comes to a stop and your being hauled out of the van and dragged into a run down factory outside of the city, "Who are you people! Let go of me!" you say but its no use, before you know it you're sat down in a chair and handcuffed to the chair from behind. "Well well well if it isn't dear old Mila my girlfriend that got saved by the great Santinis" Toby says. "What are you talking about! who are you and why did you kidnap and bring me here!" Mila replies. "Hmph i see that bullet that grazed you must have given you a bit of memory loss, what do you remember if you don't mind me asking" Toby asks but she gives no response to his question. "She must not remember anything, i can use this to my advantage to take down the santinis" He says to himself. "Get her some clothes and bring her some food i'm sure shes hungry after that drive" Toby says to the guys watching her. Mila looks at him with a still frightened but confused look, "Weren't you just going to kill me?" she says to him. "At first i was yes but i feel that you're valuable to me for the near future so im going to spare you for now, of course your going to have to do something for me in return" Toby say's to Mila "What do i have to do?" Mila replies. "You know the people we took you from? they are the one's that kidnapped you, they are also the one's that gave you that wound and you can get revenge on them if you infiltrate their home and steal every document they have on the scorpion's" Toby respond's. "They seem like nice people though," Mila say's while she think's about last night. "They are killer's Mila, you can trust me on this" Toby add's. "Trust you? i don't even know your name" Mila replies. "You will get to know it eventually but i need to know if you're in with the plan or not it might even help get your memory back" Toby say's. "Ok im in" Mila respond's.

(Word count: 833)

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