She's The One: Chapter 9

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As Zane and Camila arrive in Mexico Camila start's questioning Zane, "So what's this all of a sudden business you have to do?" Camila ask's, "It's private business" Is all Zane say's, "so private you can't even tell your girlfriend incase something goes wrong so i can have your back?" Camila replies with a side eye toward's Zane, "just because you've been my girlfriend for 2 months doesn't mean i have to tell you everything about this crew and about my business deal's" Zane say's in an angry voice, "why can't you jus-" before Camila could finish Zane speak's again, "I'm going after Andy ok, i need to find out why he left..why he betrayed his only family he had..if you don't wan't to help that's fine but I'm going to find him with or without you" Zane say's while looking at Camila, "I'll help you..but if i see any sign of trouble or if something feel's wrong just know..if i need to kill him to get us out alive i will" Camila replies without a blink, "I have a reliable source outside the city, his name is Ivor he control's an abandoned factory, he has surveillance camera's all over so if we have any chance at finding out where Andy is we start there" Zane replies.

2 hour's later

"This is the place, stay here I'll be a few minute's" Zane say's, "I'll come in with you, best to stay together incase we get ambushed" Camila say's in a suspicious voice, "Alright come on" Zane replies. As they walk up to the door about to knock on it two men sneak up behind them and hit them over the head with a hammer, Zane fall's to the ground before Camila, as Camila's eye's are closing she see's two of the men that were in the cabin with Andy.

Hour's later

Zane wake's up first tied to a chair in the factory next to Camila, when he look's up he see's two of the men that Camila informed him about that were in the cabin the day Andy disappeared, "you two are the one's who were with Andy when he..betrayed his loyalty and disappeared..where is he, i need to speak to him" Zane ask's, "He said you'd say that" one of the men said after untying him and bringing him to a room where he see's Andy and Ivor waiting for him, "Andy..i've been looking for you..why are you here, Ivor do you know what he's done!?" Zane say's in an angry voice, "This is why we need to talk to you away from your girlfriend" Andy say's, "how do you know she's my girlfriend Andy, we started dated after you betrayed our family and found out you were the leak" Zane replies, "I never betrayed our family boss, i was gathering intel on Camila, about 2 month's ago when you started recruiting people after waking up and finding out Ember got kidnapped and Mila left to save her i ran background check's on everyone you recruited, everyone came back clean except Camila..she doesn't have a background, in other word's she doesn't exist on this earth" Andy say's, "you find that suspicious? maybe she has a bad past like..Mila" Zane replies, "I knew you'd say that to's all of the intel i gathered on this so called Camila Lopez person, when i left for Mexico this is the first place i came, i filled Ivor in on everything that's happened and he was more than willing to believe me and run through every surveillance camera he has in the city, her face was recognized at a bar in the city..I'm sorry boss but she's the daughter of Diego Lopez, the head of the scorpion's..he was the one who ordered the kidnapping of your sister, I know this is a lot to take in so i brought in someone who you would believe they should be here right about now" Andy replies, as Zane turn's around to see the door open he see's Ember walk in with bruises all over her and blood. "Oh my god you're..alive i thought they killed you!" Zane say's, "Andy and Ivor saved me a few hour's ago, they were able to locate me when i grabbed one of the guard's phone where i was being held for intel, it's so good to see you again Zane" Ember replies, "Is it Camila really the daughter of Diego Lopez.." Zane ask's Ember, "you see these bruises..she's the one who did this to me before joining our crew to spy on us" Ember say's, "I'm sorry for thinking you betrayed me..our family Andy" Zane say's while shaking Andy's hand, "I couldn't come back just yet boss, she already had incriminating evidence of me so i thought this would be the better idea" Andy replies. "Just so you know Zane, if you fuck the girl i love again I'm murdering you myself" Ember say's with a murderous look in her eye's, "Speaking of Mila I'm guessing she's here to? did you find her? it's not safe for her down here" Zane say's, "that's another thing i wanted to talk to both of you about when you got here..Mila got grabbed as soon as she got into Mexico, their holding her at your brother's compound..the biggest fortress in Mexico city and most heavily guarded at all time's" Andy say's, "SHE CAME LOOKING FOR ME? YOU LET HER COME LOOK FOR ME!? YOU LET THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, THE MOST GORGEOUS AND HOTTEST AND DEFENCELESS WOMEN I HAVE EVER MET COME DOWN TO MEXICO CITY ALL ALONE WITH NO TRAINING TO SAVE ME....I'M GOING TO KILL YOU ANDY, WHAT IF THEY KILLED HER OR..OR WORSE" Ember scream's as she punches Andy in the jaw. Just as Andy was about to speak they hear gunfire and run out to see what's going on, just as they run out Andy catches a bullet in the shoulder.

(Word count: 1020)

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