She's The One: Chapter 20

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"we're here" Vincent says as they all pull up outside of the factory and get out just as he signals for the others to pull inside the garages. "Mila and Ember are far away from here correct?" Zane asks "yes, i made sure they had the safer job all they have to do is give Elijah an anonymous tip about this factory and then we're set to leave. Ive tied up a few of the scorpions I captured a while back and scattered them across the whole building just incase Elijah plays it smart with thermal vision, hes not gonna walk in without knowing whos in here" Vincent replies "Mila and Ember should be calling Elijah right about now, we should get out of here and wrap this up" Rose says as they begin to leave "you guys go without me and ill catch up i need to finish making sure these explosives are set and the trip wires are in place" Zane says "don't take to long" Vincent replies just as he gets in a vehicle and drives away from the factory leaving Zane all alone to fake his own death.

hours later

"they said this was the place, hand me the thermal binoculars lets see if anyones in there before we go in, for all we know this could be a trap to kill us all in one place" Elijah says to one of his men "looks like there's alot of people in there..alright we're going in, get your guns ready..this is gonna be one hell of a fight with those persistent bastards" Elijah says to his men as they drive up to the factory and go in.

minutes later

while standing next to your vehicle on the hill both Ember and Mila hear a boom and turn around to see the factory into pieces and up in flames "looks like it's done..they fell for the trap" Ember says and then suddenly Vincent comes over the radio " sorry but...Zane was still in their making sure the explosives were set and the trip wires..he didn't make it out" Vincent says "W-what no t-that can't be true he had to make it out! we have to go down and find him we have to get him out!" she screams as hot tears fill her eyes. "No one could have made it out of there sorry but your brothers gone" Vincent replies. When vincent is done talking Mila takes the radio from Ember and turns it off and throws it off of the hill down to a bottom of rocks "get in my vehicle we're going to meet up with Zane" Mila says "W-what didn't you just hear him" Ember replies "Zane said he was going to fake his own death last night, told me exactly where to meet him and to not tell anyone else but..i couldn't keep this from you..not after what we've been through together" Mila replies "Thank you but why are we taking your car?" Ember asks "the suv that we use has a gps tracker, no one else can know about this but..we're not coming back until Toby is dead. It's gonna be hard with the three of us but Zane doesn't want anyone else getting hurt, he's gonna fly into me when he see's you with me" Mila replies as they race off to meet up with Zane.

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