She's The One: Chapter 15

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When Zane, Ivor and Ember land they realize there not dead and landed in the water next to the warehouse, when they look up they see glass and brick's go everywhere and see smoke coming from the front. "Come on, we have to get to the Scorpion's base before our crew get's executed" Zane say's while climbing out of the water, "let me see your hand's" a women say's while pointing a gun at them, "you work for the CIA? who are you?" the women ask's, "my name is Zane and this is my sister Ember and my friend Ivor..we don't work for them..but who are you and why are you at my warehouse" Zane ask's, "so your the great Santini he told me name is Rose..I work for Andy, he knew the CIA and the Scorpion's was watching him so he hired me incase anything happened to him to find you and help you take down the Scorpion's and the CIA, by the look's of aren't doing so well" Rose say's while putting her gun away, "what can i say, it's only the three of us and Ivor's crew, how do we know your not with the CIA?" Zane ask's with a suspicious look in his eye's, "he told me to say the word Bear said you would trust me if i said it" Rose replies, Zane look's at Rose in the eye's for a little while longer before speaking again, "alright so how is one more person going to help us take them down" Zane say's, "I run a large crew called Sicilian Mafia, around 200 member's, we take in young kid's from 16-19 and train them with skill's a cop wouldn't even know, you wan't my help? you got it" Rose replies. "Let's move out then, we have to get to them before we're to late" Zane say's.

Scorpion's pov

"Sir, the head of the CIA is here to see you" one of the men say, "bring him in" Xavier say's, "I have some bad new's for you Xavier, Ember and Ivor's crew managed to grab Zane before I could isolate and kill him, he's going to come for his family now that he's escaped" Elijah say's, "gather up all of his family..including Andy and line them all up outside with gun's pointed at everyone of them, we'll be ready for when he show's..he can't out number us, he has no one left on his side..I control him now" Xavier replies.

Zane's pov

"We're coming up on the compound now, I'll let Rose out now before we arrive, take all of your crew with you Rose incase their ready for us if we need a distraction, if you don't hear anything from our radio in 5 minutes you know what to do rose" Zane say's as he stop's and let's her out, "we'll be ready for a signal, shoot a gun off if you need my help any sooner" Rose replies as her and her crew all scatter in the wood's just outside of Xavier's compound. When Zane arrive's up to the gate's giant light's turn on and shine on the suv, "Get out of the vehicle and place your gun's on the ground and come forward, you try anything and we shoot you all right here right now" Elijah say's, "I knew dropping her off was a good idea" Zane say's to Ember and Ivor as they all get out of the suv, some of the Scorpion's come out to grab their gun's and bring them inside. When they all step foot into the compound Zane see's everybody from his crew lined up with gun's pointed at them all, "You try anything we shoot them and then we torture your sister and make you watch" Xavier say's as he come's out from the warehouse with a women chained up and with a hood over her face, "what do you wan't Xavier, I just wan't my family back and then we will leave" Zane say's, "I can't let you leave this place tonight, you already know the head of the CIA is in deep with us and we can't let you relay that information to anyone, he's a very good ally and has a lot of resources to make someone like you disappear without a should know that considering you knew he wasn't taking you to a blacksite" Xavier replies. Just as Xavier was about to take the hood off of the women Zane punches one of the Scorpion's grab's their gun and shoot's one of them in the head and then Xavier shoot's Zane in the shoulder, "you see what happen's when you do something stupid!" Xavier say's as he take's the hood off of the women, "MILA" Ember yell's, "to make sure you don't try anything again every time you do she get's a cut starting from her pretty face to her stomach and then the rest of her body" Xavier say's while making a large cut on her cheek, "leave her alone!" Ember scream's with a tear drop coming from her eye, "oh it's not like she love's you, I had her all to myself for the past year Ember" Xavier say's as he sniff's her hair and yank's her head back, "isn't that right Mila?" Xavier say's but Mila doesn't speak she just look's at Ember in silence as tear's drop from her eye's, "ILL KILL YOU XAVIER I DONT CARE IF YOUR MY BROTHER OR NOT ILL FUCKING KILL YOU WHEN I GET MY HAND'S ON YOU" Ember scream's as she see's one of the Scorpion's drop to the ground, "they have back up..everyone in the van's now, leave them all except Mila" Xavier say's as two men grab her and start to drag her away but before they could get her to one of the van's Ember pick's up a gun nearby and kill's them both and then shoot's at Xavier and misses every shot except the one in the leg, before he could get into a van all of the scorpion's and CIA drive away leaving him all alone with the Santinis in the middle of nowhere.

(word count: 1044)

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