12. Rough Adjustments

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May 13th

Minnow's POV

I slept 3 hours max, anxiousness eating away at my mind and body. My thoughts just kept rolling over everything that could go wrong so I was on edge.

When I didn't sleep, which was most days, I was overly anxious, seeing things that weren't real. Like the shadow from outside my window almost looked like Brodie last night.

I was still having dreams about him and I couldn't just roam the house like I did at Whitney's place because I remembered how Soren was a light sleeper. So I stared at the stickers on the ceiling. I folded my laundry. I did yoga at 3 am and watched the sun come up.

I eventually nodded off and woke up at 6 for practice. I wore my usual skating clothes, athleisure that covered almost all of my skin from the ice.

Today I'd be meeting the coach Davis had set me up with. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about it.

My last coach with Brodie was nothing short of hell and I was so out of practice that I wasn't even sure if I could actually do this.

Søren left me a note on the fridge telling me to let him know what food to buy or what I liked to eat. I couldn't explain to him that I just didn't eat much these days. My appetite was something I had trouble maintaining.

He let me know that the dogs were out at daycare today and there was a small card attached with a phone number.

Rylo: Your driver/ bodyguard (as requested)

It eased a small part of my mind that had forgotten to ask him yesterday. I hadn't seen him since the afternoon because I went out with Whitney and avoided coming back here until late. I know he wanted me to meet more of his friends but I was in my head about all of it.

It all just seemed like too much. But he didn't protest or say anything when I came back around 11. He just gave me a house key when I came in and told me goodnight. It was stupid but I almost wanted him to say something.

I grabbed a granola bar from one of the cabinets and locked the back door when I left. The sun was already awake and I could hear the birds singing softly in the trees.

I was going to sit on the front steps and make the call when I found a car parked in front of the house and a tall figure leaning against it.

I stilled, immediately panicking, thinking it was Brodie.

But I blinked through my brain fog and found a man with a snake tattoo roping his biceps and a toothpick at the edge of his mouth. He wore dark shades, covering his eyes.

Once he noticed me, he straightened and made his way up the driveway, his powerful steps making me uneasy.

He wore black pants, black boots, and a short-sleeved black shirt. In this weather, it was peculiar. I noted the tattooed words on his knuckles and the tan of his skin. He had long brown hair that was tied into a low bun. The full beard on his face matched the whole scruff-bodyguard vibe I was getting from him.

In another life...I could see myself being interested.

And once he reached me he held a hand out, a surprisingly kind smile greeting me. "Hi. I'm Rylo. You must be Minnow." His deep voice woke me up.

I blinked at his hand which was covered in different kinds of dark ink and shook it. "Hi, you must be the driver."

"I'm actually a bodyguard but Søren asked me to do both." He crossed his arms, his muscles becoming more apparent. He looked like he could snap me like a bug. "He told me you'd feel safer this way. Although I can assure you this area's one of the safest I know."

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