17. A Scream In The Night

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Søren's POV

Pain radiated through my jaw like a fucking headache.

I'd been hit by 200-pound defensive linemen before coming at me at full speed. I'd broken my nose twice and had too many facial bruises in the past to even count.

I never thought a punch from Pierre Noel would hurt as much as it did. And I never thought he had it in him.

I remember the warning he gave me the last time I saw him, but I didn't think he'd actually do it.

And I wasn't the only one in shock.

"I can't believe you Papí," Minnow exclaimed. She slammed the fridge door with her hip and carried an icepack wrapped in a cloth over to the breakfast table.

Mr. Noel sat opposite me, his hand resting on the table, skin red and already swelling. He started at me harshly, his eyes not wavering for one second.

I think the real reason why the blow hurt as much as it did was because it was from someone whom I had once looked at as a father figure. I'm pretty sure it was called a psychogenic response.

He hadn't broken anything, but my teeth slammed into my bottom lip on impact, and it started bleeding.

Whitney leaned against the kitchen counter with pique interest, while the older woman beside stood next to Mr. Noel, holding a frozen bag of peas on top of his hand.

He hissed as she applied pressure and she shushed him saying, "You wouldn't be in pain if you knew how to throw a punch." She snickered and immediately stopped when Minnow got within two feet of her.

The pain somehow intensified as Minnow came towards me, standing and aiming the ice pack on my jaw. My jaw tensed at the sudden cold and I winced.

Her brows drew together and she wore a frown. "Sorry," She said sincerely.

I was about to take the ice pack from her but she held my neck, holding my face still. Her gentle touch against my skin caused me to pause, sending heat through my body. And as she looked at me, I felt her genuine concern.

Then she turned her head, her body still very close to mine as she spoke. "Since when did we hit people huh?"

She didn't let him get a word in, instead argued even further. "I mean...what's gotten into you? You don't even kill bugs because you're afraid of hurting them and now you're hitting people?"

Mr. Noel looked away in shame like he was getting scolded by a parent.

"Papí...I know this isn't...I didn't want to tell you like this okay?" Her voice softened. "It happened...very suddenly and I just want this to work. You have to let things go."

"Let go?" He frowned, his eyes landing on me again. "How am I supposed to just let go of what he did?" Pointing at me with his good hand he said, "You broke my daughter's heart."

I felt a crack in my chest as his words hit me. This was worse than the punch.

"Wait, I'm so lost..." The older woman shook her head. "Who the hell are you?"

"Tatie Mona---"

"I don't remember you," She said, peering at me up and down. "And trust me, I would've."

Whitney snorted in the background, stuffing her mouth with soup.

"My name is Søren...I'm an old friend of Minnow's," I finally spoke.

"Friend?" Mr. Noel scoffed and murmured in Creole under his breath, looking away.

"Oh hush, Pierre." The woman--Tatie Mona patted him on the shoulder and turned back to her niece.

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