3. he's bit

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         DARYL TAKES THE INITIATIVE, walking towards the prisoners with his crossbow up, "Who the hell are you?"

       "Who the hell are you?" The blonde man repeats. Koa doesn't have the best view of them, she can barely tell any features of the men, just their blue jumpsuits. "He's bleeding out. We gotta go back!" Rick says, ignoring the new threat behind him. All he cares about is Hershel. "Put pressure on the knee. Hard, hard! Push, push!" T-Dog yells the orders at Maggie. Koa's head is spinning, eyes bouncing between the dying man and the group of prisoners.

            "Why don't you come on out of there?" Daryl says, "Slow and steady." The men emerge and one of them lands all too quickly on Koa. She tries her best to seem okay, like she isn't scared at the way the man in the sweaty wife beater is looking at her. He's the first to come out and then the rest of them come out.

             Koa bends down to grab her blade, staring at Hershel's blood coated on the weapon. She gags but holds back another one. If they come at her, she'll have no choice but to use the blood coated weapon.

          "What happened to him?" The one in the tank top asks. "He got bit," Daryl replies. Koa stands behind him, holding her blade out towards the men with a clenched jaw. "Bit?" The prisoner repeats, immediately ready to kill Hershel with his gun. T-Dog draws a gun on him first though, Koa standing her ground with an intense glare. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy now. Nobody needs to get hurt," Daryl tells them.

                  The man that had eyed Koa seems to be the leader. He's waving his gun around while a scrawny blonde man cowers next to him. There's three other guys, one short and the others quite tall. "You have medical supplies?" Glenn asks, walking past them without an answer. The prisoners all flinch, looking towards Glenn. Koa gets more protective than a second ago, taking two steps closer towards them.

             "Don't move a fucking inch," Koa hisses. Some of them scoff at this teenage girl trying to threaten them but that doesn't falter Koa. She'll kill one of them if they even try to touch a hair on anyone's head. She'll take that burden for them.

                   Walkers bang on the doors harder, snarling loudly. It's not gonna hold. They don't have much longer here. "Who the hell are you people, anyway?" The leader questions, gun pointed at T-Dog. "Don't look like no rescue team," The blonde says with a heavy southern accent. "If a rescue team is what you're waiting for, don't," Rick says, starting to lift the old man up. Metal clanks from where Glenn is and a second later he rolls out a table, a makeshift stretcher for Hershel.

              Everyone is shouting different things that Koa can barely comprehend. Her eyes are on the prisoners as she backs up towards the doors. They open them up, T-Dog kills a walker and then Koa ducks under, running down the dark hall. She wants to ask why they just didn't go the other way but she fears she'll be met with just curses.

THICK SKULL , twd [ 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now