12. sisters?

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          THE WALK OUT OF Woodbury is dreadful. Sadie couldn't peel her eyes away from the dead bodies that had littered the streets. Faces she once knew. They'd never laugh or speak again. Never smile at their kids. But if they were blindly following The Governor's orders to kidnap and assault people.....did they deserve to live?

Does she deserve to live?

The question lays on her chest heavily, breathing becoming harder as twigs snap under her feet. Her bag is suddenly so much heavier, the image of Rose flashes through her mind. The knife sliding into her throat, blood spraying everywhere like a crimson fountain. Sadie feels a bit weaker. Then, the image of Phillip choking out Michonne is as clear as day, as well as the samurai stabbing him in the eye. His blood curdling screams echo in her head.

A month and half. That's all she had.

Are Michonne and Nellie even good or is she being naive? Sadie just wants to believe they're good even after what the hell she just saw Michonne do. She had no choice. Fire burns on the bruise Merle left on her skin and that's her breaking point.

Sadie falls to her knees, breaking down in the woods. Her bag falls beside her with a loud thud against the quiet grounds.

Nellie and Michonne spin around, rushing towards the girl. Her cries are quiet but enough to break Michonne's heart. She isn't too sure how Sadie got to Woodbury but The Governor in such a short time had become someone she trusted with everything and it was ruined in what felt like a matter of seconds for the teen.

Michonne crouches down in front of her, "Sadie, we need to go. I'm sorry. I didn't want you to see that. I really am but it isn't safe out here. And I don't want you hurt."

The blonde picks her head up, the moonlight reflecting off her tears. It feels like she can't get up. The weight of grief is holding her down, begging her to also fall six feet under along with her best friend, sister, uncle and her innocence.

Michonne has a genuine sympathetic look across her face. But so did Merle that night. Now his hands haven't left her body as much as she has tried to ignore it.

Nellie takes a deep breath, she isn't good with words, never has been but she'll try for Sadie.

"We'll get Merle. We'll kill him if that's what you want. It's okay to cry.....just don't let him kill you in these woods. It might not be by his hands but if we don't go now, he'll win," Nellie says, staring right into Sadie's tear filled eyes. The blonde sharply inhales, the weight only slightly subduing.

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