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                 SICKNESS HAS PLAGUED THE world since it was even formed. It killed out animals from centuries ago, it made evolution happen. The world started to prepare themselves for all the illnesses that would strike them.

                       They tried with the apocalypse. There's only so much they could do before the world fought back.

                      With the world making everyone now even more fearful, they tend to forget the other illnesses that could plague it. Not just walkers. Not just the rotten teeth of them biting into your loved ones and killing them.

                      When Koa was eight she had a horrible cold that spiraled into much more. She threw up for days until Uncle Shane took her to the hospital. The beeps of the machines gave Koa a headache but Shane soothed her, Sadie brought her snacks and the Grimes family visited everyday.

                      Within a few days, she was back to causing havoc in the Walsh/Finch household.

                     All thanks to medicine.

                     A rarity in the new world.

                     An alarm clock Beth had found them blares from the small dresser they share, waking the two girls up. With a loud groan, Koa swings her legs over the bunk. Beth looks up at her, eyes even more tired from the news the day before.

                         Koa takes a deep breath, "You sleep?" She asks. Beth shrugs, fixing her blonde ponytail, "Did you?" Koa shrugs next, wiping her tired eyes. She hops down, socked feet hitting the cold floor. "Can I grab you food?" Koa gently asks. Beth sends her small smile, "I can grab it. Don't worry 'bout me, Koa."

                      Koa bites her lip, refraining from saying she'll always worry about her. Hope is a blessing and a curse. Beth had been blessed with it. Koa had been cursed with it. Both hoped for some of the same things, one saw it as a weakness while the other thrives on it. It frightens Koa to see Beth without such an abundance of her blessing of hope.

                She should've expected it, she knows that. You can only remain so hopeful for so long with the dead walking. The light is still bright in Beth's eyes though, easing Koa's mind as she contemplates whether to send her condolences again about her dead boyfriend.

                   Instead, she slips an oversized hoodie over her body, leaving her pajama pants on as she leaves her cell of a room.

                        A few cells down Nellie Hawthorne is death glaring at her mother as she packs her items. "So, you're going anyway?" Nellie bitterly asks. Michonne sighs, "Nells, I'll be okay. I gotta do this."

THICK SKULL , twd [ 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now