31. vulnerable

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                    UNSTABLE HOMES COME WITH a lot of consequences. Seeking love where love should not be seeked, begging for attention from those who could not give less of a shit about you—trusting people you shouldn't simply for the safety they come with. The safety you didn't get in the unstable home.

The Governor lingers within Sadie Finch, always. Everyone is scared of letting in new people. Sadie used to be someone that had a bunch of friends, someone that people trusted with just a smile. Sure, she welcomed this group with open arms. How could she not?

Rick, Carl and Koa trust them with their lives—why shouldn't she? There's no doubt in her mind these people are good. Michonne said she'd stop looking for Phillip. He's gone or hopefully dead. Sadie doubts that. She doubts that he's dead.

He's like a cockroach. Always rising from under whatever is thrown his way and normally she'd admire that trait but God, does she wish she knew in her heart he was dead.

Sadie sits in Koa's cell, giving her sister slow sips of water. Medicine flows through Koa and the rest of the sick's veins. Color has come back to Koa's skin and her hair isn't stuck to her head with sweat all within less than 24 hours. "You're staring off into space, Sads," Koa says, voice less hoarse even with all the crying she did. Uncle Shane hasn't shown up, Koa thanks the medicine for that one.

Sadie clears her throat, "Thinkin'."

"About what?" Koa sits up. Sadie clicks her tongue, contemplating telling her sister about her fears. Koa raises her eyebrows, lightly smacking Sadie's arm, "Tell me. I don't have anything else to do." The blonde sighs, handing her sister a bag of baby carrots, "I don't think The Governor is dead. Not even gone. It's like he follows me around, flooding my life with all this doubt all because I trusted the wrong guy—guys—really," Sadie picks at her cuticles, remembering the monster that is Merle Dixon, "I haven't left the prison grounds in months. I think Michonne is going on a run today."

Koa's eyes fill with concern, "Sadie, I don't think that's a good idea. If you don't think he's dead, you shouldn't leave the prison."

"Michonne does it."

"Michonne knows how to shoot a gun and use a sword," Koa quickly retorts. Sadie sighs frustratedly, "He'll never go away until I see his lifeless eyes in front of me but I'm not gonna let him control me like this anymore. Even with him gone he still has the exact thing he wanted. Power. And it's fuckin' bullshit. And," Sadie shoves a playful finger in Koa's face, "I know how to use a pistol now, so, fuck you."

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