20. a walsh

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          CRUSHES ARE APART OF being a teenager. They make your chest swell, butterflies flutter and make you brush your hair two extra times.

       Koa does not feel like a teenager, therefore, a crush is not plausible. No, not while they're preparing for war is she allowed to stare at Beth as she just simply gathers ammo together with saucers for pupils.

           "I'm sure he'll be okay, Koa. It's Carl. Toughest little guy I know," Beth giggles with an adorable scrunch of her nose. Koa sighs, slumping in her hair, legs manspread, "He'd cry if you heard him call him a little guy." Beth looks up from the ammo boxes, "Why's that?" She asks with an innocent smile. Koa can't tell if she's playing dumb or the blonde really doesn't realize the Grimes boy and his hearts for eyes whenever she's around.

       Koa leans forward, a smirk playing on her lips as she looks up at Beth, "You know he's got a crush on you, Greene. It's obvious. He's smitten." Beth tilts her head to the head, an innocent grin now matching Koa's smirk, "Really? Couldn't tell when he tried to share a cell wit' me."

   Koa scoffs, a blush crawling from her fingertips to her neck. Pink tries to dust her cheeks. She refuses. Koa Finch refuses to let this feeling evolve anymore. She steps back, hands in her pockets, "He's got no skills," Koa shrugs—as if she has any herself.

Sadie was always the one racking up crushes, she was always the one coming home with a bunch of Valentines on the dreaded holiday. Not Koa.

Koa has no idea what to do even if she wanted to entertain these feelings.

             Beth chuckles, "Yeah, clearly—"

               She's cut off by a mix of screaming and grunting from the room next to them. "That sounds like Glenn," Koa says, words barely out of her mouth before she's running towards the source, Beth on her tail. They run into Merle and Glenn wrestling each other on the cold floor of the prison. They're throwing punches, grunting in pain.

        Emity cycles through her Koa's veins. Merle has Glenn against the ground, hand to his throat. "You bastard!" Koa curses, kicking Merle right in the ribs. He doesn't move though, he just lets out a groan of pain, choking Glenn harder. By now Sadie has run in, eyes wide when her sister goes to throw another kick at the man only for him to grab her ankle, twist it and toss her to the side. All while he still has Glenn on the ground.

       Koa hisses in pain. Concrete floor has scraped her skin, cuts marking her skin. Despite her fear of being near Merle, Sadie runs over to Koa, her back to Merle so she can protect herself and her little sister. "You alright?" She asks, examining Koa.

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