8. merle?

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               A BOWL OF RICE sits in front of Koa. She's been trying to eat it but her stomach and brain hurts. How is this fair? Lori doesn't get to eat the rice.

               Neither does T-Dog. Or Carol. Or Dale. Or Uncle Shane.

                 She's sitting between Maggie and Beth who have both been begging her to eat more than a spoon full of the meal. Apparently, Rick has been gone for days, disappeared into the void of grief somewhere in the prison. Glenn didn't wanna tell her so Koa had to hear it from Hershel but Rick has completely lost it, even harming Glenn when the man went to go look for their friend.

               Koa glances over at the baby that lays in Beth's arms, bottle hanging from her mouth. The smallest smile forms at her face at the sight of her little cousin. "She'd want you to eat," Beth whispers. Koa blinks, gaze landing on the blonde's face, "Lori?" Beth swallows, tilting her head, "The baby. But Lori too. Please, I made that rice myself." Koa laughs, grabbing the spoon, "Did 'cha now?"

                  Beth giggles, bouncing the baby, "Yeah, oh yeah. Hard work, Koa. Very." She sends her a smile and Koa feels her stubbornness melt at it. Beth is just too kind to deny. She sighs, scooping the food into her mouth a few times. It feels good to not be starving anymore but she still wishes those she's lost were here to enjoy the rice.

                     Loss is such a weird thing. It makes you miss someone just eating rice.

                 A few minutes go by of the group just eating their well earned meals. Until boots thud against the cement floor and they all snap their heads up for the source. Koa's eyes light up. It's Rick.

                  "Everybody okay?" He asks, sounding calmer than the last time she saw him crying on the floor. All eyes are on him, worried for him. Koa looks over at Carl who has the same sparkle in his eyes as she does. "Yeah, we are," Maggie responds.

              Rick walks closer to them, dazed but he's there, maybe not fully but he's here. "What about you?" Hershel asks. "I cleared out the boiler block," He dodges the question. "That's not what he asked," Koa quietly mutters.

             Rick looks guiltily down at all three of his kids. He hasn't been here, not like he told himself he always would. But Koa isn't mad at him, she can't blame him. His wife died so brutally yet willingly and with their marriage in shambles. Rick never got to say his last true I love you. It had been too hard but now it's all he wants to to say to Lori Grime.

                   "How many were there?" Daryl asks when Rick doesn't answer Koa's question. "I don't know. A dozen. Two dozen. I have to get back. Just wanted to check on Carl and Koa," Rick pats his son's shoulder and glances over at Koa before he turns to leave them again. Her heart sinks. She hates him being down there all alone. He can handle himself very well but she's sick at the thought of losing Rick too.

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