15. merle dixon vs. teenage girls

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                  SHOTS LIGHT UP THE prison. Carol has Sadie between her own body and Axel's dead one. Sadie wants to scream, watching the blood pool around them.

       The bullets bounce off the cement. She holds her hands over her head. The only solace she gets is hearing Beth take Carl to some sort of cover. The shells are flying everywhere. It's hard for the two women to make a clean getaway.

        "Nellie!" Michonne calls out and tosses her daughter an SMG. The teen's eyes widen. She's got no idea how to use such a gun. She's only ever shot a pistol. Too many factors though to learn right now so Nellie lines up the gun the best as she can with the men outside the fence and just like her mother, she lights them up.

      None hit. The recoil is too much for Nellie to handle. Right as she gets ready to reload, a string of bullets are fired at the two. They hit the bus and Nellie is pulled to the ground before any damage can be done. The shots won't stop. It's making Nellie's ears ring. Her mouth is dry as her chest heaves.

  Her eyes find Sadie again, still hiding with Carol.


Hershel is missing. That old man that's helped her mom is at so much risk right now. Snipers shoot off as well as gasps from Nellie. "Hershel," She says over the gunfire. Michonne looks like she doesn't understand the girl, shaking her head in confusion. Nellie sighs loudly, huffing. She has to go get him. Hershel saved her mom, it's only right.

                 "Sorry," Nellie yells and sets off towards where Hershel is. She can hear her mom screaming for her to come back, desperately crying in hopes she doesn't lose another child. Nellie just repeats sorry, sorry, sorry—over and over again. Gunshots kick up dirt around her as she runs into the grass, blindly looking for the man.

                     Blood has soaked Sadie at this point. All the bullets Axel has taken for them makes the crimson seep out quicker than ever. Sadie peeks her head out, trying to tell where the shots are. She sees Carl shooting at someone in the distance. Another truck of men.

                        "Carl!" Sadie cries out as she attempts to wiggle away from Carol's hold but the woman doesn't let go, leaving the younger to struggle in her grip.

                  Nellie jumps into the tall grass once she gets a glimpse of Hershel's stark white hair. The gunfire ceases for a moment. One more string of bullets go off and then—silence. Nellie army crawls over to Hershel. "What are you doing out here?" Hershel asks, eyes flashing with concern. Nellie rolls her eyes, "At least say thank you."

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