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As a combination of channeled literature and memoir, this book reflects the author's present recollections of experiences over time. Some names and identifying characteristics have been changed, some events have been compressed, and some dialogue has been recreated.

The author does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is to entertain and offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, the author assumes no responsibility for your actions.

Image copyrights belong to the respective copyright holders.


In Book One, I explained how I met acclaimed British actor Alan Rickman after his death in 2016. Following a series of unusual spiritual experiences I couldn't ignore, Alan asked me to give him the Reiki Level I attunement. I'd taught Reiki to many students with my friend and fellow Reiki Master Wayne at Spiritus Reiki Center, but I'd never given an attunement to someone on the other side.

Because I didn't know if that was possible, I asked Spirit. When Spirit replied yes, I gave Alan the attunement purely on faith, not knowing if it would work. Afterward, Alan performed a short Reiki treatment on me, so the attunement was successful.

Then something odd happened a few days later. An unusual odor permeated my house that smelled like a man's musky cologne or aftershave. It lingered for weeks, and I couldn't find where it was coming from.

So one day, I took out my pendulum and used it to ask yes-no questions to help me determine the source.

While dangling the pendulum between my fingers, I asked, "Is it a physical smell?"

The pendulum I was using at the time had a triangular amethyst at the end of a silver chain. After a moment, the stone swayed from side to side, indicating a no response.

Then I asked, "Is it a spiritual smell?"

The pendulum swung clockwise, indicating a yes response.

When I asked, "Is it coming from Alan Rickman?" the amethyst swung clockwise again.

At that point, I drew Alan into the room so I could speak with him.

When he stood before me in my mind's eye, I asked telepathically, "Alan, what is going on?"

Then he told me he hadn't crossed over, or gone into the light, immediately after his death. He'd asked me for the Reiki attunement so that he could give himself a treatment and sustain himself with the energy. A few days after the attunement, he gave himself Reiki for the first time, and that inadvertently sent him into the light. He confirmed it was an aftershave he'd worn in life that I smelled when he crossed over.

I then asked Alan lots of questions about what happened after he died. After that, he became a constant companion as a powerful, generous spirit guide. While I've communicated with many helpers on the other side, Alan is the most interactive. He assists me with my spiritual healing work and my writing. We both have the same intention: to share messages of love and hope by teaching the truth about the eternality of the soul and the nature of reality.

This book begins with Alan's attunement to the highest level of Reiki and his experiences as a new Reiki Master. His initiations into Reiki Level I, II, and Advanced Reiki Training (ART) are discussed at length in Book One. Until meeting Alan, I'd never imagined that Reiki could be useful to spirits. I certainly hadn't considered what a spirit could do as a Reiki Master.

In subsequent chapters, Alan talks about reincarnation, soul mates, and soul agreements, as well as the spirit guide training he's been through. Later in the book are discussions of space and time, why some people get lost in darkness, and the coronavirus pandemic. The book concludes with a spiritual perspective on cancer, the disease that took Alan's life.

Like Book One, tips are included on how you can work with Alan. He wants readers to know that the higher dimension is an ever-present reality. We are never alone because we are all connected through divine love. Understanding our soul's true nature is necessary to heal and thrive.

I encourage you to reach out to Alan and ask for his assistance if you feel guided to do so.

I welcome your feedback and questions. If you implement my tips in your spiritual practice, please share your results with me if you'd like.

More books are coming, including channeled commentaries from Alan, romance fiction, and more! Follow me here on Wattpad to receive updates.

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My YouTube channel has 25+ educational videos to help you develop your intuition and clairvoyance, work with spirit guides like Alan, and use spiritual tools like crystals and pendulums. There are also many channeled messages from Alan. I release two videos a month. Subscribe to my channel and you'll be alerted when new videos drop:

From Actor to Healer: Alan Rickman's New Life as a Spirit Guide, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now