Chapter 1 - The New Reiki Master

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One morning in June 2016 while getting ready for work, Alan's deep voice called out telepathically, "Will you keep up with world affairs?"

Then he appeared in my mind's eye. He looked the way he usually did, as an older man in his sixties with gray hair. He stared at me with grave concern but didn't elaborate.

Since I would scan the headlines every day on my personal email page, I thought I was already sufficiently keeping up with the news. So, I asked Alan, "Is there something in particular you want me to do?"

To my dismay, he disappeared without answering. I waited to see if he'd return and reveal more.

One evening about a week later, Alan reappeared and surprised me by asking for the Reiki Master attunement.

The Master initiation is the most powerful of the four levels of Reiki. As a result, Wayne advises students not to take the class on a whim and only become a Reiki Master when they're ready for a personal transformation. More importantly, the class prepares students to teach Reiki and administer attunements.

So, how would the Reiki Master initiation benefit Alan? I couldn't see him teaching Reiki in the higher dimension. Unfortunately, I was left with no answer, just like when he'd asked me for the Level I attunement.

Nevertheless, I accommodated Alan and agreed to give him the attunement on faith once again. As I'd done with his previous attunements, I made myself comfortable on the couch and conducted the short meditation for him that Wayne and I used in our classes.

Twenty minutes later, I was still in a relaxed, meditative state when Alan appeared in my mind's eye, looking different than I'd ever seen him. He hovered a few inches above me as a round cottony cloud, glowing white and tinged with pink and blue pastels. Then his head emerged on top of the cloud.

"Thank you for the Reiki Master attunement," he whispered without moving his lips. "Exploring Reiki with you has been a very sacred experience for me. I am in awe.

"As soon as the meditation began, I felt love bursting forth from my heart. It was overpowering. If I still had a physical body, I would have wept aloud and tears would have streamed down my face.

"I saw my parents. They came to greet me and talked with me about my life. They explained where I had made mistakes and why. I gained clarity on things that had bothered me for years. I've let it all go now, everything I was still clinging to. I've found forgiveness."

I had no idea the attunement would affect Alan so profoundly.

He continued, "I didn't know what to expect when I asked you for these attunements. I knew what they did to your students. I saw colors and lights; it was like a psychedelic trip. Although I had hoped the first one would provide me with access to channel the Reiki energy, I didn't expect a profound inner healing. It's gotten stronger with each attunement."

I asked him, "Since you're no longer in the material world, did the healing affect you more deeply, more directly, than it would someone in a physical body? I'm just wondering if being in spirit makes the experience stronger."

"No," Alan answered. "I know from watching your classes. It was exactly the same for me. I was in quite a state those first few months after my death. I'm much better now. That first attunement straightened me out. I believe that if I'd gotten the attunements in life, I would have had a profound experience then too. I needed the healing."

While preparing this book for publication in 2023, I asked Alan if he had any additional comments to share about his Reiki attunements. To my surprise, he said he thought he still wouldn't have crossed over by now.

From Actor to Healer: Alan Rickman's New Life as a Spirit Guide, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now