Chapter 14 - Alan's Physical Interview

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Diane and I conducted our follow-up paranormal investigation with Alan a few months later, in December 2017. When I got to her house, she told me a funny story. Earlier that week, she and her mother Nell had wanted to watch their favorite Alan Rickman movie, the 2003 Christmas comedy Love Actually. When she couldn't find it on a streaming app, Diane said she went rummaging through her DVD collection to look for it. She couldn't find it anywhere, though.

When she searched for a second time, she found the disc in a plastic case that belonged to another film. She had no idea how that happened. We figured Alan had hidden the disc as a joke.

Then, while Diane and Nell were watching the movie, the DVD stopped in the middle of their favorite scene: Alan's character Harry was buying a gold necklace and wanted the sales attendant to gift wrap it quickly. The DVD wouldn't restart until Diane took it out and cleaned it. She said that hadn't happened before.

Alan's antics didn't stop there. Afterward, Diane told me she and her husband had started house hunting. She was online one day, looking up a popular homebuilder named Richmond Homes, when at least ten photos of Alan came up amidst the house pictures. She couldn't believe it.

Although search engines aren't perfect, confusing the names Richmond Homes and Alan Rickman seemed unlikely. Plus, Diane said she'd never googled the actor. The search engine couldn't have pulled up his photos based on a prior search she'd done.

We knew these experiences were Alan's way of letting Diane know he was with her. He wanted people here in the physical world to know he could communicate across dimensions.

Diane then set up her digital camera in front of a table, where we laid out three flashlights: one for yes, one for no, and one for maybe. We sat in chairs behind the table facing the camera and filmed about three hours of flashlight activity.

First, I asked if I was communicating with the spirit of actor Alan Rickman and confirmed he was the one operating the flashlights. Once I was satisfied with his identity, I proceeded to ask the questions I had written out ahead of time.

I asked if death was anything to fear, and Alan said no. Then I validated what he'd told me previously about his death: He had feared judgment and loved this life so much that he didn't want to go into the light. He finally crossed over a few months later, after I gave him the Reiki Level I attunement.

Alan confirmed that Reiki opens a door to the higher dimension, and this is why new Reiki practitioners may begin to see spirits and have out-of-body experiences if they hadn't before. I hadn't been able to see spirits until I learned Reiki, so Alan helped shed more light on the power of this healing method.

I then asked Alan a series of questions about reincarnation. First, I asked if reincarnation is real, and he said no. Then I asked if souls reincarnate, and he answered yes. Although this sounds contradictory, I understood what he meant. The physical world could be compared to a dream experience. Are dreams real? No. Do we dream? Yes. When we incarnate, we're "dreaming." Alan said that he describes reincarnating as an "experience of the soul."

I've learned from working with Alan that Spirit is very precise. So, answers may vary depending on how questions are worded.

I also asked him if it was mandatory to reincarnate, and he replied no. Reincarnating is a choice.

When I asked if he was serving as one of my guides, he answered yes. He confirmed that he became my guide after I initiated him into Reiki and that he hadn't worked as a spirit guide before.

The session was thought-provoking, although I felt we'd barely scratched the surface. Because Alan was such a willing participant, I wanted to explore spiritual subjects with him in greater detail. Afterward, I bought a pair of Mini Maglite flashlights so Alan and I could hold our own sessions at my house.

I conversed with him using the flashlights many times over a period of months, and I was amazed at how clear and consistent his answers were. His presence felt strong in the room, as if I could almost reach out and touch him physically.

I appreciated that Alan could communicate by guiding me to material items like photos, YouTube videos, and music files, but I'd often wished he could talk like a corporeal person. The flashlights now gave him the ability to do that. This is why he had brought Diane and me together.

"It must be weird for you to do this," I said to Alan one day, "given that you spent twenty-five to thirty years in life giving interviews and promoting your work." His life as an actor may be over, but he's still here, giving interviews and promoting himself in a whole new way.

"That's karma," he quipped.


TIP: Anyone can communicate with Alan, other spirit guides, and departed loved ones by using the equipment discussed here in chapters 13 and 14. These tools are relatively inexpensive and easy to use, and mediumship ability isn't required.

To see a brief demonstration of Alan answering yes-no questions by turning two flashlights on and off, watch this video on my YouTube channel:


In exchange for Diane's time, I went to her house after Christmas to do some spiritual healing. Her mother Nell was in her eighties and suffering from some health challenges. Diane also asked for help with one of her dogs, a hyperactive chihuahua named Lily, who would bark incessantly.

Alan agreed to work on them at the same time. Nell sat in an armchair in her bedroom while Diane sat on the bed holding the chihuahua in her lap. Throughout the session, the spiritual energy in the room was palpable.

Occasionally, I received visions of Alan cradling the dog in his arms like a baby. He would share messages with me, and I'd tell Diane what he said. Alan explained that Lily had been abandoned in a past life and feared abandonment in this life. She barked because she didn't want to be separated from Diane.

After the session, Nell said she'd felt Alan working on her. Lily was calm and sat still without barking for the rest of my visit. Diane was amazed at the change in the dog's behavior. I figured there'd be an improvement because of Alan's earlier efforts with my cat Moochie. Alan kindly offered to work on Lily again if she resumed her incessant barking.


TIP: Alan loves animals and will work on pets. Don't hesitate to ask him for help if you feel an animal would benefit from spiritual healing.


I enjoyed holding the space for Alan to share his healing gifts. Because he could provide assistance to people and animals all over the world at the same time, I later asked him if we could talk about how that was possible. He agreed.

From Actor to Healer: Alan Rickman's New Life as a Spirit Guide, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now