Chapter 3 - Soul Mates

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When Alan and Jo were ready to proceed, I sat comfortably on the futon in my meditation room, closed my eyes, and instructed Alan to begin the Reiki Level I attunement. After a moment, his soft voice in my mind began reciting the guided meditation in the course manual that Wayne and I read during our classes. Then we spent the next twenty minutes in meditation. I received no visions, but Alan told me that Jo was having a deep spiritual experience.

Afterward, Jo appeared in my mind's eye. I asked her if she'd like to share what happened during the meditation.

Without moving her lips, she said, "The attunement felt wonderful. I felt Reiki moving through me like a river of soft love ebbing and flowing up and down. It was lovely. At one point, I felt like a baby being rocked in a cradle. I felt nurtured and loved. I love you for having helped me in this way. I will always be grateful to you and Alan for your assistance."

As an experiment, I asked her to give me Reiki, which Alan had done after his first initiation. When she placed her hands on various parts of my body, Reiki coursed through me. There was no doubt I was receiving energy from another person; it felt different from my own self-administered Reiki.

I was in awe that Alan had successfully given a Reiki attunement to someone on the other side!

During the next few weeks, Alan taught Reiki Level II and ART to Jo. When he performed the initiations, I sat with them and watched. It was an honor to be a part of their Reiki journey. I was moved that I could assist with Jo's growth in this extraordinary way.

Jo also came to the weekly Reiki circles with Alan and me to practice. As soon as I began each treatment, Alan would announce he was opening the recipient's chakras. Jo would kneel in front of the person and work on their legs and feet. That was her preferred position. She had observed that I moved all around someone while I worked, so she wanted to stay out of my way. She looked like a supplicant, humbling herself at everyone's feet. It was symbolic of her natural servant heart.

Afterward, I would ask Jo if she had a message for the recipient. Sometimes she did. When I relayed what she'd said, her words usually struck a chord with the person. Jo was very perceptive, and I appreciated her assistance. I loved having her with me at Spiritus.

One time while I was meditating on my living room couch, Jo came to me and handed me a red rose as a gesture of thanks for all the help I'd given her. The love she emanated in that moment was so strong it made me weep. Jo has a huge heart, and I have no doubt she had a huge heart in life. Her soul embodies universal love.

A few months later, Alan appeared to me one day and announced that Jo wanted to become a Reiki Master. He said he would teach her and asked me to observe her attunement again. I agreed and suggested we do it later that week on Wednesday, November 23, 2016, as I had scheduled that day off from work to extend the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.

I started my long weekend by checking my email on Wednesday morning. A newsletter appeared at the top of the list from Jo's widower, Brendan Cox. I'd been receiving his newsletters ever since donating to the Jo Cox Fund, which had been set up in Jo's honor after her death. She had promoted numerous causes in life, so the fund was intended to help keep her efforts going through the Jo Cox Foundation (

In the email, Brendan stated that the trial for Jo's killer had ended that day, and now everyone could move on. Since the day of Jo's passing, I hadn't read any additional news reports about her. I hadn't seen updates about her family, her successor in Parliament, or the trial. Brendan's emails hadn't mentioned anything until now. Suffice to say, my primary concern had been Jo's healing, not her tragic death. So, I didn't know the trial had taken place that week.

From Actor to Healer: Alan Rickman's New Life as a Spirit Guide, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now