Chapter 11 - Alan's Foreknowledge

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After completing my home improvements, I planned to pay off some debts and then start a Roth IRA with the money I'd save each month. I thought this would be prudent, but whenever I talked to Alan about my finances, he repeatedly recommended not opening a Roth IRA. He didn't say why, so I waited to see what would come to light.

Three months later, my employer announced the addition of a Roth option to the existing 401(k) program. Now it made sense why Alan had steered me away from starting a Roth IRA. He knew I was going to have a Roth option within my existing retirement account.

Grateful for the new feature, I took advantage of it right away.

Alan isn't always this transparent with what he knows ahead of time, but I've come to appreciate it. In fact, sometimes it's a source of great humor.

For example, one December day at work, my office felt a little chilly. I kept an old black cardigan draped over the guest chair beside my desk, so I casually slipped it on.

Alan appeared in my mind's eye and snickered. "Your sweater is old," he said. "You should throw it away."

The elbows were slightly worn, but otherwise there was nothing wrong with the sweater. It was comfortable and fit me well.

"It's nice," I said telepathically. "I like it. You want me to throw it out just because it's old? Well, you're old. You want me to throw you out?" I sometimes engaged in light banter with Alan like that; it didn't offend him.

He was silent a moment before replying with a chuckle, "Good point."

Later that morning, a coworker stopped by my office to drop off a Christmas gift. A thin, lightweight rectangular box was festively wrapped with an ornate red bow on top. I had no idea what was inside, and she didn't provide any hints.

I opened it later—and couldn't believe it was a sweater! Shaking my head, I asked Alan, "You knew she'd bought me a sweater, didn't you?"

He laughed.

* * * * *

The last sizable purchase I'd planned after my home improvements was a large screen television for the living room. My existing TV was old and scratched, so it was time for an upgrade.

I looked around but decided to wait for the after-Christmas sales. Then I found out that a leftover prize from the company holiday party had gone unclaimed: a 60-inch flat-screen TV!

When the company announced it would be raffled off, I decided to participate. The TV was the perfect size for my living room. I bought ten tickets for forty dollars, which was a steal. I wouldn't be able to buy a large screen TV for forty dollars at a big box store.

The drawing was held a few weeks later. That morning, Alan appeared in my mind's eye and whispered, "You won something."

I brushed it off and said nothing.

A couple hours later, Alan reappeared and said, "You won the TV." He repeated it over and over for several hours.

I acknowledged him and said I understood, but I wasn't sure I believed him. He has a great sense of humor, so he could have been kidding around with me. I had to wait for the drawing to see what would happen.

Later that afternoon, the employees gathered in the breakroom for the drawing. The plastic salad bowl on the counter appeared to hold several hundred tickets. I seldom won drawings, so I was skeptical that I'd won the TV. But Alan kept insisting on it.

The general manager administered the drawing. He shook up the bowl, closed his eyes, and reached in to select a raffle ticket. As he read the winning number, I pulled the tickets out of my pants pocket to check the numbers—and did a double take. I had the winning number! It was smack-dab in the middle of my string of tickets.

I couldn't believe it. Alan had been right all along. I couldn't help but wonder if he'd somehow worked some higher dimensional "magic" to help me win. When I asked, he admitted he'd done something but wouldn't say what.

I was astounded at what Alan could see ahead of time. So later that evening, I asked him how much he knew and how he got his information.

He said, "I receive pictures in my mind from your life about a day or a day and a half in advance. Sometimes they are easy to decipher. Other times, they are a little cryptic. I don't always know what to do if it is vague. I go to my teachers for clarification and guidance when I need to. When I first started working as a guide, I went to them quite often, as I feared making mistakes. They taught me well and showed me how to use what you said and did each day for additional guidance. They also told me to review your past for clues, because life goes through cycles. There are repeating patterns even if the lessons are different. It's all about lessons. Once I understood more fully the lessons you were to learn in this life, it became much easier to guide you."

I found this very revealing. "Can you tell me more about what lessons I'm here to learn in this lifetime?"

"We are all here to learn love," he said. "All of us. I can tell you that for a start. You came into this life to learn a great deal. You have hurdles to overcome. You brought some leftover pain from past lives that needs to be healed. I am helping you with that."

"Are these past lives that you and I had together? Or other lives?"

"Both. I can see a lot of overlap because of repeating patterns and cycles. You also had lessons to learn with your parents. You will have to make choices as you go along, too. I will guide you through it as best I can. I promise I will help you so that your choices will be easier to make."

"Thank you," I said.

Alan added, "I can also promise you that you are where you're supposed to be, doing what you came here to do. More knowledge will be forthcoming in the years ahead that will make other lessons you are learning quite clear. That is all I can tell you right now."

Alan's assistance with the personal affairs of my life has been unlike anything I've experienced with anyone else on the other side. He goes above and beyond to make his presence known and prove his usefulness as a guide.

To my surprise and delight, I discovered that his help could extend to our four-legged friends as well.

From Actor to Healer: Alan Rickman's New Life as a Spirit Guide, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now