Chapter 2 - Meeting Jo Cox

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I drew Jo's spirit into the room the same way I had first contacted Alan. Ironically, I was at work when I'd met each of them.

Taking a deep breath and closing my eyes, I reclined in my chair and centered myself. Then I focused on Jo and drew her to me.

After a moment, Jo appeared in my mind's eye, standing on the other side of my desk. She was a slender woman with brown hair. She saw me first, seated at my computer, and then looked up and locked eyes with Alan, who was standing beside me. I figured she would recognize him.

Jo stared at us, her jaw hanging open. Although I feared she might bolt from the room, she remained motionless and silent.

"I know this looks strange," I said telepathically. "I'll explain."

I spent the next hour telling Jo how I'd met Alan. I explained that I'd given him the Reiki initiations, and the Reiki Level I attunement had inadvertently sent him into the light. Then I told her he had guided me to the news article about her death.

She kept staring at me, openmouthed.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you," I continued. "I don't even know what to say. But please know you're safe here. I know the world is in shock and mourning. Alan didn't want what happened to him to happen to you. You're welcome to follow me to the Reiki circle tonight for healing. No one there knows you. You won't feel anyone grieving your loss there. And then you can follow me home. You can stay in my meditation room as long as you like. Treat it as a sanctuary from the world's grief.

"But when you're ready—and I can't stress this enough—when you're ready, you must go into the light. You can't stay here. Wait as long as you feel is right, maybe until after the funeral, but then you must go."

"Thank you," Jo said without moving her lips. Her voice was a soft whisper. "I will do as you say."

Later that night while I was preparing for bed, Alan said abruptly, "Jo is here."

I was happy Jo had followed me home. That meant she trusted me.

She visited almost every day for two weeks. Whenever Alan told me that Jo was resting in the meditation room, I spoke to her and asked how she was doing. Many times, Alan and I comforted her with Reiki. I was grateful we could provide her with protection and spiritual healing.

Finally after two weeks, I was relieved Jo had finally gone into the light when she appeared before me with brilliant white eyes. Her entire being glowed with white light. Although I would never know for certain, I suspected she wouldn't have moved on to the next dimension without our intervention.

My experience with Jo taught me that Alan was keeping an eye on other people. We may transition to another dimension, but we don't leave this world behind. We still care about people on Earth and assist them when needed.

About a month later, Alan told me he had talked to Jo about Reiki. He wanted to teach Reiki to her and give her the attunements. He admitted that this was why he'd asked me for the Reiki Master attunement.

I was shocked. When my interactions with Alan had begun, I'd never heard of attuning spirits to Reiki—never mind a spirit attuning another spirit!

He said he felt ready and wanted to do this for Jo. They had agreed it would speed up her healing process; plus, she felt she could do a lot with Reiki.

Because I had performed Alan's Reiki initiations and helped Jo in her hour of need, he asked if I would watch. With no hesitation, I agreed.

I'd never thought that giving Alan the attunements would lead to something like this. What had I done? Were there any limits on how far this could go?

From Actor to Healer: Alan Rickman's New Life as a Spirit Guide, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now