Chapter 18 - The Stephen Hawking Story

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On the afternoon of March 14, 2018, I walked into the office breakroom to use the microwave. Some employees were watching the twelve o'clock news while eating lunch. The breakroom TV wouldn't usually catch my attention, but this time was different.

While talking with Alan earlier that morning, I had casually asked him to show me anything important he wanted me to know that day. So, I was keeping my eyes peeled for any signs of his guidance.

The TV news report in midstream was talking about British physicist Stephen Hawking. He had died that day at the age of seventy-six after living with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) most of his adult life. Hawking is best known for his revolutionary work on the origins and structure of the universe, including advancing our understanding of black holes. He published many popular books to help the public understand otherwise difficult scientific concepts.

Although I hadn't read any of his books yet, I was aware of his work and had long wanted to read his first book, A Brief History of Time, published in 1988. As I mentioned in chapter 8, I enjoy studying astronomy and cosmology as a layperson. Hawking's death was a reminder to read his book.

As I left the breakroom to return to my desk, I spoke to Alan in my mind and thanked him for his guidance. Since I had asked him earlier to show me anything significant he wanted me to see, I believed that this experience wasn't random. I could have walked into the breakroom at a different time and seen a different news story. Interestingly, I didn't see another news report about Hawking in the days and weeks that followed. If I hadn't seen that coverage, I wouldn't have known about his death.

Thinking that Alan was simply guiding me to read A Brief History of Time, I planned to get the book the first chance I had. I figured that was the end of Alan's guidance on the matter and thought nothing more about Hawking the rest of the day.

The following afternoon, I had a monthly appointment for a routine chiropractic adjustment. I'd been getting adjustments on a regular basis for years. As I prepared to get in the car and leave for the appointment, Alan's face appeared in my mind's eye. I hadn't been thinking about him at that moment.

Then Stephen Hawking's face appeared beside him. What was this about?

Alan said, "Stephen Hawking wants to tell you something."

The physicist looked into my eyes and spoke without moving his lips. Gone was the synthesized male voice provided by the machine he had used for communication while living. Although I heard a human voice, the words were barely a whisper. Hawking said, "I found God in my life. I just want you to know that."

I was so stunned I didn't know what to say. Alan wasn't in the habit of bringing deceased scientists to talk to me. Despite my admiration of physics, I'd never felt a personal connection with Hawking or any other scientist. Other than his contributions to modern science and his physical disability caused by ALS, I knew nothing about Hawking's personal life. I didn't care how he'd felt about God. So why was he telling me this?

Both men disappeared with no explanation. I stood by the car for a moment and waited to see if Alan would return, but nothing happened. Finally, I got in the car and proceeded to my appointment.

I had started seeing this chiropractor after my previous one retired in 2015. Not only does Connie give physical adjustments, but she also performs energy work. She's highly sensitive, thorough in her assessments, and someone I had quickly learned to trust. Connie has been aware of my work with Alan since I began sharing my story with friends in 2016.

When I entered her treatment room, I asked her for help with some chronic back pain and she proceeded with her adjustment. I said nothing about my inexplicable visit from Alan and Stephen Hawking.

While lying face down on her table, Alan piped up. He said, "I'm concerned about her. Tell her I have a message for her." This puzzled me. Alan hadn't asked me to communicate something to Connie before.

Once I got off the table after the adjustment, I told her what Alan had said. When I asked if something was wrong, she said she'd been chastising herself because of something that had happened the night before.

Alan said, "Tell her she needs to let it go."

After I relayed his words, Connie told me a story. Following the announcement of Stephen Hawking's death, her ex-boyfriend had written defamatory statements about the physicist on social media. Devoutly religious, her ex mocked Hawking for having been a staunch atheist. Apparently, Hawking's rejection of spirituality was well-known; I wasn't aware of that.

For reasons she couldn't comprehend, she was incensed by her ex's comments. She'd never met Hawking, nor had she followed his work. Nevertheless, she felt compelled to defend him and replied to her ex's comments with a strong emotional response. Later, she chided herself for overreacting. She told me it was out of character for her to let social media posts trigger her.

I was taken aback. Now my mysterious visit from Hawking made sense. His message had been meant for Connie. I then shared with her what had happened to me earlier.

Subsequently, Alan revealed that she and Hawking had had two past lives together. When her ex criticized Hawking, she took it personally because, on the soul level, she and Hawking were friends. When I relayed what Alan had said, she was extremely comforted.

Ever since that day, she's been sharing the incident with others. Whenever I arrive for an appointment, if there's a new employee at the front desk who hasn't heard the account yet, Connie will ask me, "Can I tell the Stephen Hawking story?" Of course, I don't mind. Everyone is amazed by the story.

As a guide, Alan continues to impress me with his efforts. I couldn't believe he cared so much about Connie that he brought Stephen Hawking to me to give her a message. So, I asked Alan why he did that.

"She performs a service," Alan said. "She helps you, and I know you feel better after each adjustment. I can feel the difference in me, as if I am the one receiving the care. I know that may sound strange to you, but I can feel everyone and everything around me. In this state, I have a heightened sense of awareness. Because she helps you, I'm willing to help her. We all work together to help one another.

"I also am aware that she is stepping into new roles, in her life here on Earth as well as later after this life is done. I had permission to assist her in this way because she's ready. She would have carried that guilt about responding so fiercely to her ex-boyfriend's tirade on social media for far too long. That would not have served her. I was able to assist her in releasing her pain more quickly."

"Thank you for what you did," I said. "I may never understand how those of you in the higher dimension know what you know and when to act on it. But thank you for letting me be a part of it and help you do your guide work."

I was never more curious about Alan's work behind the scenes than when the most calamitous event of 2020 brought the world to a virtual standstill.

From Actor to Healer: Alan Rickman's New Life as a Spirit Guide, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now