Chapter 12 - Moochie

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In the early 2000s, I had adopted a young gray-and-white stray cat. My father had named her Mooch because she would meow at the back door, begging for food. I called her Moochie, thinking that sounded nicer than Mooch.

She lived outside for the rest of the decade. Then after my dad died in 2011, I let her live indoors with me for companionship. She was a gentle, affectionate cat that didn't bite or scratch, but she was shy around strangers. Whenever friends or service technicians entered my house, she would run and hide under the bed or jump through the cat flap in the door to the garage. Friends kidded with me and asked if I actually had a cat because they'd never seen her.

When I got into bed at night, Moochie would usually curl up to sleep next to me. That changed after I started working with Alan. She would leap onto the bed and meow at me sternly for several minutes, clearly upset about something. Then she'd jump down and leave the room. She'd no longer sleep on the bed.

She repeated this behavior for weeks, so finally I asked Alan if he knew what was wrong.

"Yes," he replied, standing before me in my mind's eye. "She's seen me keeping guard over you at night while you sleep. That frightened her. I know she's skittish around strangers. Cats can see spirits, and unfortunately, I'm as unwelcome in your home as physical people." He laughed. "Give it time, and I'll see what I can do."

About a month later, Moochie's personality changed drastically with no warning. She returned to sleeping on the bed at night with no agitation. She no longer ran away when someone came to the house. Instead, she would walk up to visitors, meow softly at them, and let them pat her. I was astounded. When friends and I were chatting on the living room couch, Moochie would join us and rub against them for attention. She acted like a different cat. Frequent visitors who'd known her previous behavior commented on the change.

So one day, I asked Alan if he had helped the cat.

"It wasn't easy," he said, "but I was able to clear some of the fear response she was exhibiting around unfamiliar people and situations. She's naturally protective of her habitat as a cat. But I tried to make her see that this is your home too, and the people she sees coming and going are your guests, including me."

"Whatever you did, it worked," I said. "Did you perform Reiki on her, or did you do something else?"

"It was a combination of things. I used a little Reiki here and there, but mostly I worked on the level of her beliefs. Her territory felt invaded, and she felt threatened. So, that's the level of her understanding that I worked on. I showed her she had nothing to fear."

"It sounds like you made friends with her."

Alan flashed a smile at me in my mind's eye. "She trusts me as an advisor now."

I chuckled. "So, does that mean you're serving as one of her spirit guides?"


Alan's work across dimensions never ceased to amaze me. I didn't expect him to work with my cat. It further demonstrated the good that could result from helping someone on the other side.

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One day at work in April 2019, Alan repeated throughout the day, "A massive change is coming in your life."

He didn't elaborate, so I had no idea what he was referring to. As I was preparing to leave work at the end of the day, I finally had to tell him to be quiet.

"I understand!" I shouted. "I heard what you said. Let's just let it unfold."

I drove home without incident, so I thought Alan had been wrong. I was about to dismiss his words as nonsense until I pulled halfway into my garage. Then I discovered what his insistent warning had been about.

From Actor to Healer: Alan Rickman's New Life as a Spirit Guide, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now