Chapter 17 - Why People Get Lost in Darkness

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I'll never forget the morning of Monday, October 2, 2017. Shortly after awakening, I opened my phone to discover an onslaught of texts and personal emails asking if I was okay. When I subsequently opened my work email app, I read an office-wide email sent by the general manager. Expressing shock and disbelief, he acknowledged that the city of Las Vegas would need time to recover and asked all employees to check in and report their whereabouts. I had no idea what had happened, but it must have been huge.

I quickly switched from my email app to my Internet browser and googled Las Vegas news. The first article that popped up reported that a mass shooting had occurred the night before on the Las Vegas Strip. The killer had fired into the crowd at the Route 91 Harvest country music festival from a hotel room window at Mandalay Bay across the street. The resort was a short distance from my company's office; the hotel was visible from the parking lot. More than eight hundred people were injured. Fifty-eight people were killed, making it the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history. Shortly afterward, the shooter was found dead in his hotel room from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Victims and their families received an outpouring of love from local businesses in the form of free food, rides, hotel rooms, and airfares. Millions of dollars were raised for charity in a matter of days, and bumper stickers and billboards popped up all over town with the hashtag #VegasStrong. The community came together in a show of solidarity like I'd never seen before.

Alan and I sent healing energy every day to help everyone involved, including those who'd lost their lives, survivors, family members, and the shooter.

Wayne held extra Reiki circles that week and encouraged anyone who needed support to come and receive free Reiki. To set the tone, Wayne placed photocopies of an oracle card on every chair for attendees to take home with them. He said he'd pulled the card one morning for comfort and felt that everyone needed to see it. The theme of the card was forgiveness. Forgiveness is the act of releasing anger over a situation. Harboring resentment only punishes you, not the one who hurt you.

As attendees took turns introducing themselves, someone shared a popular saying: "Things don't happen to us; they happen for us." There is an opportunity, a gift, and a lesson in everything. It's up to each of us to decide what to do with it.

Three people were there who had worked at the concert. One of them, Tina, asked if I would bless a crystal she'd worn the night of the shooting. She handed me a small piece of clear quartz that had broken off a necklace. She wanted to keep it as a memento and asked what I thought she should do with it.

I asked Alan in my mind for input, and he suggested displaying the crystal on a shelf in her home. He recommended not wearing it again. Tina said she'd already felt that, so she appreciated the confirmation.

During the healings, I gave Reiki to another worker, Iris. She told me she was a recovering alcoholic and had withstood the urge to drink since the shooting. However, she was still experiencing nightmares and uncontrollable bursts of anger. Glad she had come that night, I trusted that Reiki would help her. A week later, Iris posted on social media that her nightmares had finally stopped.

Wayne and I taught Reiki Level I and II two weeks after the shooting. During Saturday's attunement meditation, one of the deceased appeared in my mind's eye. I felt that she'd been watching the class. Then I felt the presence of all fifty-eight people who'd been killed. They appeared before me and spoke to me with thoughts, not words. Their lips didn't move as they told me not to worry about them. They said they were fine and asked me to pray for the people who commit these kinds of atrocities.

Afterward, they gave me a vision of Tina and the quartz crystal she'd asked me to bless. They were letting me know they'd seen my actions. Then each of them walked up to me, holding a quartz crystal similar to Tina's. Holding open a small cloth sack, I let each of them drop their stone into it, one at a time.

From Actor to Healer: Alan Rickman's New Life as a Spirit Guide, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now