Chapter 19 - The Coronavirus Pandemic

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In January 2020, when a rapidly spreading new coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2 was reportedly causing severe pneumonia-like symptoms and death, I grew very concerned and wanted to learn more about the virus from a spiritual perspective.

So, I invited Alan to join me one evening after work while relaxing on the living room couch. I asked him to guide and protect me while I entered a meditative state. I wanted to make energetic contact with the coronavirus. Not only do I communicate with the spiritual realm, but I also regularly interact with the natural world. As we are all connected, including viruses, there was no reason not to communicate with SARS-CoV-2 to see what it could teach me.

For several moments, I spoke to the spirit of the virus. First, I asked for its name, and it replied, "Avarice." The virus then explained it had come because of humanity's excessive greed. It said that the financial and energetic imbalances were increasing between those who hold great wealth and those of limited means. The virus said it wouldn't leave until the lessons of this imbalance were learned. Suffice to say, I doubted that the financial forces governing our world would change anytime soon. So, I accepted that the virus was here to stay.

Satisfied that I'd learned what I needed to know from the coronavirus, I expressed my gratitude to it for speaking with me and teaching me its lessons. Then I ended the meditation.

When a global pandemic was declared two months later, I was disheartened, as it was clear that tumultuous times lay ahead. But I wasn't surprised, given what the virus had told me.

Every day for weeks, Alan and I sent Reiki to the world and the virus itself, intending for a quick end to the pandemic with minimal casualties. I'll never know what impact our efforts made, but I couldn't look at the daily news reports of increasing death counts without offering some spiritual help.

* * * * *

By the spring of 2020, I'd worked in the convention industry as an administrative assistant for twenty-four years. When live events were canceled and we were ordered to shelter in place, I was laid off from my job along with countless others. This caused great shock and anxiety that I hadn't experienced before.

This was the first time I'd been unemployed since graduating college. Losing my job caused me to go through a period of mourning. I trusted that jobs would eventually return and the economy would recover, and thankfully I was later rehired with my company in a new administrative role once the convention industry reopened.

Nevertheless, that initial period of stillness and uncertainty led me into a profound state of introspection. Many people used the forced downtime in 2020 to reevaluate their life. Spiritual healers I know, for example, who were doing their work sporadically in private now felt guided to offer sessions publicly on a regular basis. I was no exception as I also decided it was time to do more with my spiritual work. So, the pandemic had a positive effect on the spiritual community as it encouraged more healers to come forth to help people.

I used the time to review the voluminous notes I'd been keeping about my interactions with Alan. By this time, I had more than two hundred single-spaced typed pages. I knew I had a worthwhile story to tell, but I had no idea how to share it in a way that would be meaningful to people outside my local spiritual community who didn't know me.

Throughout 2020 and 2021, I wrote a couple drafts of the manuscript that became Book One. After seeking critiques from friends, I got a lot of helpful advice to improve the book. But it was Alan who provided the most guidance. In 2022, he urged me to publish the book here on Wattpad where people could read it for free. He also encouraged me to create a YouTube channel and produce videos that people could watch for free. Openly sharing my spiritual knowledge and experience was a simple way to spread my message all over the world and earn the trust of those who were interested.

From Actor to Healer: Alan Rickman's New Life as a Spirit Guide, Book 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang