The Kiss

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Damien's POV-
Lia froze beside me. She looked at me, shock written all over her face. My expression mirrored hers. Everyone started chanting 'kiss, kiss' except Skylar and Marco. I understand about Marco that he obviously wouldn't want Lia to kiss me. But what about Skylar? Why doesn't she want Lia to kiss me. What's up with her? I looked at Lia who now had a face of disgust. We leaned in close, more close, until we were inches apart. I felt her hot breath fanning around my face when I closed my eyes and our lips met. And damn she tasted good. She tasted sweet and cherry like. Maybe because of the champagne she just drank. I pulled her closer to take in her sweet taste. I was about to push my tongue inside her mouth when someone from the group shouted "Get a room guys." We immediately pulled apart. She averted her gaze and started looking here and there. She span the bottle. I could see it in her eyes that she enjoyed it. To be honest even I enjoyed it. I felt intimidated. She tasted so good. I would have surely lost control if someone didn't interrupt us. By the way who the fuck was that asshole? I was about to search for answers when the bottle landed on me. Oh Jesus motherfucking Christ, I wasn't ready yet. I still felt intimidated and hot because of the kiss.

"Truth or dare Damien?" Sebastian asked. Be wise Damien you are nit a fool like Lia. But if she didn't behave like a fool then I wouldn't have been able to cherish our kiss.


"What is your wildest fantasy?" Sebastian asked smirking. Immediately Lia's name popped in my head after that question. But I couldn't tell them about it. Think Damien, how are you gonna get out of this?

I looked at Sebastian who was giving me 'there's no way out of this' look. I made a mental note to kill him afterwards, at the back of my mind.

Lia was in deep thought while beads of sweat were dripping down her forehead.

"" I hesitated. "Spit it out already Damien." Marco snickered.

"IfantasisedaboutdominatingLiaduringsex." I blurted out and before anyone could even react to what nonsense gibberish I just spoke I spun the bottle. I released a breath I didn't knew I was holding.

Lia's POV-
We kissed, and it felt like heaven. His lips tasted sour and a little alcoholic. His jaw ticked as he tried to push his tongue inside my mouth. I was going to allow him but someone shouted " Get a room guys." We immediately pulled apart but I was disappointed. I was feeling flustered. I wanted that feeling again. I wanted to kiss him again. Come on Lia what are you even thinking? He is your arch nemesis. It was just a dare. He surely didn't enjoy it. It was only me who wanted it again. Maybe I felt like that because I was drunk. I quickly spun the bottle because I didn't wanted to gain unwanted attention. It landed in Damien. I drank a shit of tequila. God! I need to stop. I am really getting drunk. He chose for truth I guess. I felt dizzy and I couldn't hear the rest. I started fantasising about our kiss again. Everyone's faces turned shocked and I wandered what could have Damien said. Ughhh! Why did I drink so much? I missed the fun part. I wanted to know what Damien admitted about that left everyone like they have just seen a ghost.

The game soon ended afterwards and everyone started leaving. Once we were in the car, I decided to ask Damien the question I never got an answer of. "So." I said stretching it. "I never really got an answer to my question. Why did you suddenly asked me out to this dance?" Ooh! I finally found my hidden talent. I can speak clearly even when I am drunk. Proud of you Lia. Keep up the good work. "Why do you keep asking me that?" He sounded a bit irritated. "I'm just curious. That's all." I said innocently. "Well I, umm... was not having anyone to go with in this dance and I was looking forward to being friends with you."

Huh?! He is making my challenge easier by the day. Did he overheard Skylar giving me this challenge? Is he really making it easier for me intentionally? "Friends?" I chuckled, not finding any humour in what he just said. "Really Damien? Who are you trying to fool over here? Just spit the truth out already."

"Why do you think I'm lying?" He asked. I just nodded my head in a negative direction.

"Who would have thought, that the Damien who pretends to behave like an enemy towards me would want to actually be a friend of mine?"

"Lia I'm dead serious about it."

"Wait did I just discover the eight wonder over here?" I really couldn't believe him.

"Lia.!" He was now frustrated.

"Okay, okay! I was just teasing you."

That was all I said before kissing him right in the lips.

Sealing our deal with a kiss.


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