The Hospital

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Lia's POV-
I woke up to sound of machines beeping around me. Where the hell am I? I tried to open my eyes but it was like they are stuck to my skin. I moved my hand and felt the silk sheets beneath my hand. I moved my hand further and felt something move along. I panicked. My breaths started coming faster. But then my eyes flew open. I saw a doctor checking my pulse. I scanned the room I was being held on. I was in a hospital. In a hospital bed. But why? Then suddenly like a wave of water everything came crashing to me.

I had my escape planned perfectly. I almost escaped but The Boss and Damien had to ruin it. They both made me feel like I needed to be saved. I needed someone to help me. But I didn't. I was almost at the finish line when I heard a loud noise and piercing pain slashed through my thigh. I had ran - wobbled - towards exit I guess but Damien met me midway and was telling me something but I fainted.

Fuck!! The pain is still fresh. I eyed the doctor who was now fumbling with the tubes on my hand. I once again scanned the room. There was no sign of my parents.

"What happened?" My voice was hoarse.

"Do you remember anything that happened?" He asked.

"Yeah. How long was I out for?" I asked.

"2 days."

Fucking hell! I missed my test. Shit! I needed it to have extra credits. Fuck you Damien. It all happened because of you and your shitty parents.

"Had.... had anyone visited me while I was.... while I was out?" I don't t know why I was stammering. Maybe because I was afraid to hear the answer. Maybe because saying it out loud would have made it true that my parents didn't care about me.

"Your parents came the first night. They did the paper work and left," I don't why I'm even surprised. Maybe I thought that me being in this situation would have made them have an ounce of guilt for not telling me about Damien's parents or to at least check on me. But I guess I was wrong again. "But there was a girl who used to visit you in the evening." He said watching me carefully. It might be Ariana.

"You had been shot in the thigh. You were lucky that the bullet had passed through without hitting any major organs or muscles." I stopped hearing after that. I had been shot. I had never felt the stinging sensation of a slap let alone a bullet. And it all happened because of that fucking ball and because of fucking Damien's parents. "You will be better in the next few weeks but till then you have to rest yourself."

"I... I can't. I have exams coming up. I need to study."

"Well right now the better option for you is to rest well if you want to get better in the next few weeks." He said and left.

I was alone again. No no no no I can't be alone. Not right now. No. I saw a shadow pass through the window but before I could figure out who it might have been it had already vanished. I finally took in the room. Even if just to divert my thoughts from going somewhere dark. There was a photo frame of Jesus giving out gifts to small children. There was a couch on my right and a round stool on my left. An ivy drip was attached to my right wrist. I had a big bandage gash on my right thigh. Though my gown reached my angles, I could spot the bandage due to the light blood stain. There was an attached bathroom on my left as well. I found out I was in Zelius hospital - the city's largest and most expensive hospital - by the pamphlet on my side table. I flipped through it, nothing interesting. I saw a newspaper lying there and picked it up to only to read the headline as: Did the enemies stopped eneming?
I read further: Damien Calloway and Lia Miller were found entering the ballroom dancing event - hosted by Antonio Volkov - hand in hand. The youngsters might be unaware of the consequences but it sure gave us all a tea to talk about. Rumours has it that they had been dating secretly for a while now and it was bound to come to light eventually. The rumours also say that they might have been sneaking around for a long time just to spend some time with each other. Is it really happening? Are the two largest mafias finally allying with each other. Is this war which was going on for decades finally going to come to an end when these two finally find their true love?

"There's no need for you to read that thing." I startled at dad's voice.

"What's this?" I asked curiously.

"Nothing you need to worry about." Before I could speak anything he cut me. "Your test is rescheduled and it will be day after tomorrow. Prepare however you want but I need better grades this year. You will be discharged today." With that he snatched the paper from my hands and exited.

I don't know why I'm surprised that he came here just to tell me to study harder. He was never satisfied with my grades. Even when I aced almost every subject. He always pointed towards the subjects I loosed marks the most. Well I guess it comes with every parent. I will be discharged today so I should start studying as soon as I reach home. My stomach grumbled furiously. I guess I would have to eat something first or I will faint. I looked around and found a bell or something. I pressed it and soon a nurse came into my room.

"Good afternoon Mam, how can I help you?" I looked at the clock and winced it was already 3:30. I have even less time to study now.

"I'd  like to have some watermelon if that's possible please."

"Sure Mam." And she left.

She came back with a bowl of watermelon. By the time I finished my discharge papers were already ready. I soon left the hospital.

As soon as I reached home I asked Elaine to make a coffee for me. She is the youngest daughter of the head of the house help and a good friend of mine. We are around the same age.

The coffee was kept on my desk when I left the shower. I really needed caffeine to pull an all nighter. I took a sip and started studying.

Damien's POV-
I debated visiting Lia in the hospital. I almost walked through the door of the room but after hearing what the doctor said I couldn't. I asked the chauffeur to pick me up from there.

The doctor told me that the gun Cartel used to shoot Lia in the thigh was a normal pistol so the damage was repairable. Her dad had met me at the hospital and had warned me to stay away from her. I would once the challenge is over. I wanted to laugh at his face because he really thought I wanted something with his daughter. But I shrugged it off. Why would I want to be with that brat Lia. She is a pain in the ass. But I need to tolerate her till I win this challenge.

I have training tomorrow evening so I still need to complete my assignments and study.

Sorry for the late update and short chapter. As I am out of town I won't be able to update soon but I'll try my best. Hope you are enjoying the story so far.


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