The Rage

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2 Days later

Damien's POV-
"Mne plevat', prosto vysledi yeye." I shouted at my men. It's 6 in the morning. It's almost 12 hours and we still don't have a trace of her. [Translation: I don't give a fuck, just track her down.]

Her parents are at my throat, threatening to kill me if I don't find their daughter safe and sound. As if they have the guts to kill me. I wouldn't be threatened had she not been at the gun point because of me. And I wouldn't give a flying fuck about them had she not been their daughter.

"Ser, my pereprobovali vse, no ne smogli yeye vysledit'." [Translation: Sir we have tried everything but we are not able to track her down.]

"Togda ispol'zuy svoy chertov mozg i poprobuy chto - nibud' yeshche." [Translation: Then use your fucking brain and try something else.]

Sebastian walked in a few moments later. "How are you holding it up?" I just nodded curtly. I didn't slept at all last night. How could I? When I knew she is suffering because of me. "She is going to be okay Damien. I know she will." Sebastian tried to cheer me up. "HOW THE FUCK DO YOU GUARANTEE THAT?" I shouted.

Sebastian just stood there. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to lash out like that on you." I apologised.

"It's okay, let it out." He tried soothing me. I nodded my head and left.

I went to the gym and started practising my punches. How could have I let them take her? They took her in front of my fucking eyes. I could've done something. Something to stop this. Something. Anything. I knew I held that kind of power yet I failed to that. Whoever pulled this off, doesn't know my wrath. I'm going to kill whoever the fuck took Lia away. I was so blinded by my anger that I didn't notice my knuckles tear off. I didn't feel any kind of pain. All I felt was numbness. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't heard Seb coming behind me.

"Damien, you need to stop. You're hurting yourself."

"It's nothing compared to what they might be doing to her." I seethed and continued punching. I've never in my life, felt this kind of emotion. Ever. This emotion, this pang in my chest. It was all new to me and I didn't like it one bit.

"Damien stop, now." He pushed me back and I finally stopped.

"You need to control yourself. I understand how you feel but you can't keep acting like this. We need to find Lia. We don't know who took her or how cruel they might be. They can hurt her in worst ways possible, so we need to find her real soon." Seb explained.

As much as I hated to admit, I knew he was right. I need to find her soon or else I don't know what might happen to her.

"What if something happened to her?" I asked.

"Nothing will happen to her." Seb tried his best to comfort me. "Damien, you need to be strong, for her. If we find her only then we will be able to save her." I nodded. He was right. "Go get some rest. You look like you are high on cocaine and shit. I'll handle the things over here."

I went back to my room and he was right once again. I couldn't believe my reflection in the mirror. My hair were ruffled and my eyes were bloodshot red. I could count how many times I looked like this on one hand. I went to shower and changed into some comfortable clothes. I went to bed and tried to sleep but couldn't.

I need to find her real soon.

Lia's POV-
"Please don't hit me. I promise I won't do it again next time." I sobbed as I begged for some mercy.

"Oh, stop it. I've heard that many times." He roared.

"I promise I won't do it again. Please I beg you, don't hit me." I begged but failed miserably.

He removed his belt and wrapped it around his hand. He started hitting my naked back with hard harsh strokes.





"Now that should teach you a lesson." He growled and left me to cry alone.

I woke up in an unfamiliar room with a jerk. Everything was dark around me. No, no, no, please I can't be in darkness. Sweat started trickling from my forehead and neck. I was shaking. My breaths were fast heavy. I started to have a panic attack. Suddenly the lights turned on.

Oh thank fuck.

"You okay there?" A boy around the age of 22 asked me.

I ignored him. My breathing was still erratic.

"You might want to get yourself together. Boss wants to see you in five minutes."

Boss?! Maybe he's the one who kidnapped me. I still remember the events that happened when I was last conscious. Maybe the whole ballroom dancing was a bad idea.

A man entered the room. My best guess is he is in his mid twenties. Goddamn Lia now is not the time to acknowledge your best guesses. His cold demeanour and aura sent chills down my spine.

"I must say, he has a good choice in girls." He said in a cold tone. "What are you talking about?" I tried not to stutter because of my slightly shaking body. I'm not going to be weak in front of this man.

"Oh don't act like a fool. I know you are very special to Damien." He said.

What the fuck?! How the heck does he know about Damien. Well he is famous, which can tne denied. Must be his pictures on social media. He does look eye catching in those pictures. Anyone who scrolls would spare at least one glance. What the fuck are you thinking Lia. Now is not the time.

"What do you want from me." I asked with curiosity and cautiousness.

"I can achieve many through you, but not from you." He smirked. How dare he insult me like I'm a worthless piece of shit.

"Well you can use me as a leverage for your profit."

"Lia Miller, I can see your parents haven't told you anything. Yet. But your time will come soon and soon you'll become one of us." He said and left the room.

What is he talking about? What are my parents hiding from me? And what the fuck did he mean by 'soon you'll become one of us.'?


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