The Escape

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Lia's POV-
My Chemistry professor once told us about the volatile methods people used during World War I. He told us that he made a poisonous gas which killed people. The ingredients were simple. Bleach and any kind of acid. This is what I am going to make. I poured the bleach in the spray bottle and squeezed the lemon between my fingers to obtain its juice. I closed the cap immediately and shook the bottle vigorously so that the mixture was formed. I did the same with the other spray bottle. I really hope this works.

I went to the door. Fuck! It's locked. I mean obviously, it would be. There are holding me captive over here. I removed a pin from my hair and picked the lock. Huh! Looks like the fuckers didn't even replace the old locks. BINGO! Okay, now I gotta hold my breath if this works because I don't wanna die so young and beautiful. I opened the door and saw a guard standing near the door. He glanced at me, I glanced at him. Without even thinking I sprayed the gas in his face and he fell unconscious on the floor. Is he dead? I crouched down to feel his pulse. I couldn't feel anything. It had stopped. Oh my god! I killed a person!

"Fuck!" I cursed under my breath. I looked around and found many rooms in the hallway. I heard some footsteps and quickly turned around the corner. I saw a flight of stairs and went upstairs. I clutched the spray bottle in my hands like it was going to save my life. I mean it would. Technically. I was still in my ball gown but it had been and torn and ruined so now it reached just above my knees. Still, it was a bit hard to run. I reached the top of the stairs and saw a long corridor on my right. I walked down the hallway and heard some chattering.

"Do you really think she is Damien's girl?" Someone asked.

"Nah! I think she is one of the whores he takes to these parties." Said another person.

I felt like crying. Why does everyone keep judging me? Do I really look like a whore?

"Yeah, I think so too. Like, he didn't even come to save her." Said the first person.

"Why would he waste his time in saving whores like her?"

Yeah true. I mean not the whore part. I'm not a whore. But I guess it was true when he said that why would Damien waste his time in saving me. I mean I am his worst enemy's daughter after all. But I thought at least my parents would've come to my rescue. But I guess I was wrong again.

I tired looking at them but my hand came in contact with a nail. "Ouch!" I hissed.

"Who's there?"

Fuck! They spotted me. Before they could do anything I sprayed the mixture over them. But I was a little late. They had already called for backup. I sprinted from there. I didn't know where I was going. I was just turning corners hoping to find a way out. I heard many footsteps behind me. Suddenly I heard loud noise and a slight scream escaped from my lips. Then it was followed by many other similar noises. I kept running without looking back. I sprayed the gas at whoever came my way. I finally reached at what looked like an entrance.

"Not so fast Lia." I turned around to see the owner of the voice, and it was 'The Boss'. I tried to spray the gas but it was over. Shit! Shit shit shit. I turned back around and saw the last person I imagined to be here. Damien! What on earth was he doing here? I was about to run when I heard a loud noise and felt an immense amount of pain in my right thigh. I started feeling dizzy. I still tried to run but it seems like a lot of blood was coming out from my thigh. I had almost reached someone who looked a lot like Damien or was it Damien? I couldn't tell. My eyes started closing. I heard someone saying my name and telling me to do something. Can't they see I'm bleeding? Why the heck was I even bleeding? I felt something strong around my shoulders. It was Damien trying to hold me upright. I started to loose consciousness.

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