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the group of friends stood outside of the house, waiting for matt to lock the van. he did so, and joined them on the sidewalk. they stood outside for a moment, and then phoebe began walking up the drive, forcing the others to follow her.

they weren't even in the house yet, and they already knew the party was full. people were standing outside in the garden, smoking and drinking or just talking. there were people constantly coming in and out of the front door, and the group of friends had to push through to enter.

the house was dark, but there were strobe lights scattered around the place, music was playing loudly through every room and the group went to the living room.

''millie? do you know what nadine looks like?'' matt yelled over the music.

she shook her head. ''i've never even heard of nadine!''

''you're looking for nadine?'' somebody slurred behind them.

millie turned to see a slim brunette looking at her with a smile. she was holding a red cup in her hand and, judging by the way she was wobbling in her heels, it wasn't her first drink.

''yeah.'' millie nodded. 

''surprise! you found me!'' the girl exclaimed, throwing her arms out. her drink spilled as she did, and she frowned at the cup before drinking the entirety of it and throwing the cup behind her. ''i don't recognise you though.''

phoebe laughed. ''how drunk are you?''

nadine shrugged. ''you think i'm counting how much i drink? i probably couldn't even count that high!''

millie laughed, pushing phoebe to the side slightly. ''i'm millie, i'm friends with jayden-''

''i love jayden - he's here with a blonde girl though...she seemed kinda bitchy.''

''she is bitchy.'' nick replied with a smile. ''what do i have to do to get as drunk as you?''

''follow me to the kitchen!'' she sang, dancing as she looked at the friend group. she stopped when she saw matt, her mouth dropping slightly before she walked to him.

''uhh...hey.'' matt said, a small smile on his face.

 nadine grabbed his arms, steading herself as she tripped. ''wow. you're so hot.''

he rolled his eyes. ''you're just drunk.''

''i'm an honest drunk. what kind of drunk are you?''

''a designated driver kind.''

''boring!'' she groaned, and then cleared her throat. ''but also responsible. the hottest boy at the party always is.''


she cut him off by slipping her arm through his, and then pulling him along. ''let's go to the kitchen, designated driver! i need another drink!''

phoebe, nick, millie and chris began following them, laughing at how different matt and nadine seemed right now. matt was clearly blushing - the beautiful girl making him feel a tad awkward - but she was drunk, and didn't notice. the six of them went to the kitchen, filling their cups with drinks, and then went back to the living room to dance.

they danced as a group for a while before deciding to split up and talk to other people. matt, nadine and phoebe went back to the kitchen, whilst nick went to hang out with alahna and mikayla, leaving just chris and millie.

chris pulled millie into him, still dancing to the music. their bodies were close together, their faces just inches apart.

''have you seen summer?'' he asked.

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