Chapter 4- Sharing a soul!

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Adarsh sat in the study, surrounded by the hushed ambiance of books and mahogany furniture. His usually serene expression was replaced by a furrowed brow as he meticulously combed through the tender details sprawled across his antique desk. A sudden realization hit Adarsh, shattering his tranquil demeanor. His eyes narrowed, and his grip on the pen tightened as he uncovered a series of errors that could cost the company crores. A heavy sigh escaped his lips, and he could feel the frustration building within him.

The door creaked open, and the employee entered, sensing the storm brewing in Adarsh's study. The air thickened with tension as Adarsh looked up, his gaze piercing through the silence. The employee, now seated, met Adarsh's intense stare with a mixture of fear and remorse.

Leaning back in his antique leather chair, Adarsh surveyed the damning tender details. A surge of frustration compelled him to slam his hand onto the desk, the sound echoing through the study and resonating with the gravity of the errors.

"Do you comprehend the magnitude of this?" Adarsh's voice, usually calm and measured, carried a weighty frustration. "We're not dealing with minor oversights. This is a colossal blunder that could have financial repercussions in the millions."

The employee shifted uncomfortably, unable to bear the weight of Adarsh's disappointment. Rising from his chair, Adarsh paced the study, the creaking floorboards underscoring the tension in the room. "My composure is not easily shaken, but when it is, there's a damn good reason. Such negligence is unacceptable, especially with the stakes this high."

Abhimanyu, took hold of the tender documents. As he perused through the papers, the weight of responsibility settled heavily on his shoulders. The realization struck hard – he had overlooked the errors that could cost the company dearly. He ran a hand across his face in frustration; they needed Adarsh's keen eye back in the office. The atmosphere in the room was charged with tension as Abhimanyu glanced at the employee, who seemed to shrink under the weight of Adarsh's wrath. Adarsh's absence had left a void, and it was becoming apparent that managing a multi-million dollar business was no small feat.

He motioned for the employee to leave the room, wanting to handle the situation without escalating Adarsh's frustration further. As the door closed behind the employee, Adarsh's voice echoed through the walls in frustration, "Fire the idiot, Dad. He deserves it!"

A knowing smile played on Abhimanyu's lips as he leaned back in his chair. Over the five years working closely with Adarsh, he had come to understand his Son's compassionate approach. Adarsh was too soft-hearted to let someone go, even when they disappointed him. He believed in helping them learn from their mistakes or finding a position better suited for them within the company.

"Do you want me to?" Abhimanyu articulated the words carefully, the result of speech therapy sessions with Abeer, Adarsh, and the twins. Adarsh, now confined to home and with more time on his hands, had taken the opportunity to engage in these sessions. It was one of the reasons for his current frustration – a need to be back in the thick of things, managing the business he had built with meticulous care.

Adarsh shook his head, dispelling the idea of termination. "No, dad. I don't want that. I'm just upset," he admitted.

 "Why don't you take a walk, Adi? Let me address this. You've scared the guy enough for a day." 

A sigh escaped Adarsh, but then a sly grin appeared on his face. "Did I really scare him?"

Abhimanyu chuckled, recognizing the mischievous spirit in his son. "You can do..... that without meaning.... to. Your reputation is intact. No one..... will ever know that beneath.... all the ruth...less attitude, you have a heart.... of gold." His words were deliberate, each syllable a testament to the effort he put into his speech. Adarsh's eyes widened in pleasant surprise.

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