Chapter 15 - Broken Bones, Broken World

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Gunfire rattled outside, it make me feel slightly nauseous. I had been around gunfire before, obviously, but the thought of Ellie getting shot physically affected me.

But as long as the bullets continued to fly, then it meant she was okay. Right?

A million noises came from outside, including a lot of shouting. The male voices were imminent, though they grew further away, meaning that Ellie had successfully drawn them away from me and Joel.

Though that didn't leave me any less scared. Now I was trapped down here with a half corpse, my only friend was out fighting for her life, and there was a good chance of getting shot if I went outside.

A while passed. It hadn't been long, it just felt like long down in this stuffy hell hole. Joel's breathing was loud. Well, at least he was breathing. Was Ellie still breathing? Stop thinking about it.

The voices were growing closer again. Of course. They probably caught Ellie and were coming back to collect all the stuff she had gathered. Did they know we were here? Probably. Why else would a little girl need medicine? If they were smart enough they'd be able to figure out she was with someone in need of medical care. In this case it was actually two people in need of medical care.

My gun was still sitting on the tool bench, I wanted it in my hands but it seemed smarter to move Joel somewhere more secluded than the middle of the basement.

I groaned as I pushed the mattress, hearing it skid on the floor. Why were grown men so heavy? I pressed up eyes shut, taking a breather as I cradled my shoulder. It was sore; and I could feel some blood from the wound seeping out. After a few more minutes of pushing I had managed to get him under the staircase, which was dark enough to make it harder to see him if anyone came down here.

My body slipped onto the cold ground, sitting quietly and waiting for any noises coming from outside. There was the occasional murmuring, before it got even closer. My heart began to pound once more as the roller door on the garage crackled open. "Hey! There's another fuckin' horse in here" A man's voice echoed through the upstairs of the house.

I'm fucked. They'll come down here, they'll find me and then they'll find Joel. It would be okay if they find me, just don't let them find Joel. Please.

My eyes landed on my pistol still sitting on the bench, slowly regaining my composure and standing, snatching it and gripping it tightly. I felt no emotion on my face, only the bubbling fear inside. I'd never fought alone before. Though it always felt like I was alone in a sense, after so long being with Ellie and Joel, it was as if I'd have to relearn that mindset.

The voices bombed louder, things getting thrown, items breaking and scratching against the floor above. It wrecked my ears, the screeching never stopping. "Come help me move this bookcase, I can see light coming from behind it." Holy shit. My heart was going to pump out of my chest. I quickly ran up the stairs, keeping my feet light and delicate as I hid behind the bookcase.

The metal clenched tight in my hand, watching the bookcase itch closer and closer away from the hole, revealing the light of the house accompanied by the groaning of the men pulling it back.

It was now or never.

I leaped out, spotting about only three men. With the right training a girl could easily take down three men.

I knocked one down to the floor, his gun racking out of his hand and sliding far enough away he couldn't reach it. The other two jumped, aiming their guns and firing a few times. They only just avoided my flesh as I wriggled away, positioning myself to shoot and knocking a bullet each through both of their skulls. They fell limp to the floor.

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