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The morning sun streamed through the expansive windows of the Luthra Mansion, casting a golden hue on the lavish interiors. The mansion exuded opulence, adorned with intricate furnishings and adorned with priceless artworks. It was a symbol of luxury and comfort, perfectly befitting the stature of the Luthra family.

At the head of the dining table sat Mrs. Vidya Luthra, the formidable matriarch of the family. Despite being in her early 70s, she carried herself with an air of authority that commanded respect. Her presence alone spoke volumes of her wisdom and strength, a testament to her years of experience in navigating both life and the family's empire.

Seated beside her were Mr. Vikram Luthra and his wife, Mrs. Rashmi Luthra, a loving couple whose journey from an arranged marriage had blossomed into a deep and affectionate bond. Vikram, with his distinguished demeanor, and Rashmi, with her grace and warmth, complemented each other seamlessly.

The Luthra family had two sons—Shaurya Luthra and Sameer Luthra. Shaurya, the elder son and CEO of the Luthra Group, possessed a demeanor that often mirrored the cutthroat world of business. His assertiveness, coupled with his ruthless attitude, made him a force to be reckoned with. However, underneath his tough exterior lay a heart that few had glimpsed.

Contrastingly, Sameer, the younger son and CFO of the Luthra Group, emanated a different aura. Obedient and affable, he was the epitome of an ideal son, a quality that earned him favoritism from both his parents, albeit more so from Vikram and Rashmi.

In the mix was Vikram's sister, Vaishali Luthra Sanyal, whose previous marriage to businessman Mr. Rajveer Sanyal had ended in divorce due to irreconcilable differences. Despite her bratty demeanor, her presence added an element of complexity to the household dynamics. Her daughter, Kavya Sanyal, stood as a testament to her parents' turbulent past. Kavya, recognizing her mother's shortcomings, found solace and admiration in her grandmother, Mrs. Vidya Luthra, and her beloved brother figure, Shaurya.

The bond between Shaurya and Kavya was one built on genuine affection and trust. While Shaurya's tough exterior often garnered misunderstandings, Kavya saw through it, recognizing the caring and protective brother hidden beneath. She admired him wholeheartedly, aware of his capabilities in the business world.

On the other hand, Rajveer Sanyal, Kavya's father, held immense respect and admiration for Shaurya, recognizing his potential to lead and succeed.

Amidst the intricate web of relationships and dynamics within the Luthra Mansion, Mrs. Vidya Luthra's affection for her grandsons shone bright. Though she cherished both, there was a special place in her heart reserved for Shaurya, acknowledging his strengths and understanding the vulnerabilities hidden behind his tough exterior.

As the morning unfolded in the mansion filled with luxury and familial complexities, each member carried their own story, desires, and conflicts, shaping the intricate tapestry of the Luthra family's life.



The sun ascended gracefully, painting hues of amber across the Mehra household. Nestled in an idyllic neighborhood, the Mehra residence exuded warmth and tranquility, embodying the love and unity that defined the family within.

At the heart of this abode stood Mr. Amar Mehra, a retired army officer in his late 50s, exuding an air of discipline and wisdom earned through years of service. Alongside him was Mrs. Rajvi Mehra, an English Literature Professor whose elegance and intellect added an academic charm to the household.

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