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Yashvardhan, with a furrowed brow and a vein pulsating on his temple, paces back and forth in his office.

His frustration boils over as he raises his voice at the employees, who cower under his intense glare.

He shouted Useless! Absolutely useless! Can't you do anything right?

The employees exchange nervous glances, knowing better than to provoke their boss any further.

Just then, Amrita the epitome of calmness, enters the office, her graceful presence a stark contrast to Yash's raging demeanor. Yash, what's the matter?

Yash whirls around to face his mother, his agitation palpable.

He vents his frustration about the impending fashion show and the workers' strike causing delays.

Mom, these guys are useless! The fashion show is just a month away, and the dresses are still not ready because of the workers' strike!

Amrita reassuringly says I understand, Yash. It's a significant problem, but yelling won't solve anything. Why don't you call Rajat and get an update from him?

[Rajat Thakur is the Character from the book "OFFSCREEN LOVE". I have mentioned about him in some last chapters of the book.]

Yash nods, realizing his mother's wisdom, and reaches for his phone to dial Rajat's number.

As the call connects, Yash listens intently as Rajat promises to resolve the issue within 24 hours.

Yash sighed and says, I know, Rajat. I trust you. But this fashion show is crucial. There's a lot at stake.

Rajat over the phone I understand, Yash. Everything was going smoothly for a while, but suddenly, it's all gone haywire.

Yash sympathetically says I know it's not your fault, Rajat. Just do your best to sort it out as soon as possible.

Rajat with determination I will, buddy. I will.

Meanwhile, Rajat swiftly makes another call to Abhiram, urging him to provide Ishani Raisinghania's contact details.

[Abhiram Shekhawat yet another character from the book "OFFSCREEN LOVE"]

Abhi, send me Ishani Raisinghania's contact details as soon as possible.

Abhiram agrees and promises to send the information promptly before ending the call.

Yash, now slightly calmer, thanks Rajat and ends the call, a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos.

As he turns to his mother, Amrita's reassuring smile fills him with a sense of confidence, knowing that together, they will overcome any obstacle that comes their way.


Rajat, his fingers trembling with anticipation, dials Ishani Raisinghania's number. After a few rings, Ishani picks up the call, her voice commanding and authoritative. Hello?

Rajat says Ms. Raisinghania?

Yes, speaking, she curtly says

Rajat further says Myself Rajat Thakur.

Ishani with a hint of amusement Mr. Thakur, who doesn't know you? Tell me, how did you manage to get through to me?

Rajat smiles and says Ms. Raisinghania, I need a favor from you.

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