4. Sister

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I tried to get up from my bed, but my body still felt alien. I remember the notification that woke me up earlier. I raise my left hand to find a black bracelet on my wrist. A small blue light was blinking continuously in the middle. Thanks to Axel's memories, I already knew how to use it. I press the blue button, and a blue holographic window appears before me.

'Wow, I'm going to have fun using the advanced technology of this world.'

Smart phones don't exist here; instead, everyone uses an advanced smart watch. It also works as identification, as everyone has a unique one. It has a small barrier around it that blocks any damage, and if an accident happens and it gets damaged, it also has a self-repairing feature. It's also impossible to remove it unless you cut your own hand. The holographic window before me was showing a message from my big sister.

Yes, Axel has a big sister, but that's the only family he has left. Both his parents died when he was only 5 years old, and since then, his sister has been taking care of him. I should feel a bit guilty that I have taken the body of her brother, but instead I felt relieved that I have Axel memories because I will be able to act as natural as Axel himself in front of her. And since she's been supporting Axel financially, this time I will support her with the knowledge I have. It's a win-win situation.

Cathy : Make sure to prepare well for tomorrow's exams. I'm a little busy today, but if you need any help, I will do my best to help. Love you~

Axel: Thanks, Cat. Just focus on your work; I will be fine by myself.

'Well, I hope she won't have any doubts about my reply. Axel relies a lot on his sister, and he always replies with a long paragraph. I'm not like that. I prefer to be short and direct with anyone who tries to interact with me. Let's think about it when we meet later. I can just think of an excuse if she notices something.'

It's finally time to get up. I try to do some light stretching to get more comfortable moving around with this alien body. After a few minutes, I went directly to the bathroom but froze as soon as I saw the face of a young boy looking directly at me from the mirror.

I knew I had white hair, but it felt weird. My black obsidian eye gave a sense of nothingness, which was completely different from my previous sky blue eye. I will have to manage my expression properly now if I don't want to look like a mourner at a funeral. With my sky blue eyes, my expressionless face still had a certain charm, but this face right now will only invite trouble. I will need to fake a proper smile when interacting with people.

I remove my clothes to discover that my tall, well-built figure has been replaced by a small, slightly chubby one. Those fats can be removed after proper training, but I'm not sure about my height. I'm already 16 years old, but my height was only 1m 58. Thankfully, dwarfs exist in this world, so I won't be the smallest person in the academy. I finished taking my bath and went to the kitchen to get something to eat.


Cathy: Al, did something happen?

Alex : Everything is fine; why are you asking?

Cathy : Oh, your previous message was different from usual, so I thought something happened.

Alex : Sorry about that; I'm just a little nervous about tomorrow.

Cathy: Don't be; I'm sure everything will be alright. Let's have dinner together after your exams tomorrow.

Alex: Sure, see you tomorrow.

Ring, ring, ring

'I'm sure she didn't expect a dry reply like that, so she's video calling me to make sure it's really her brother.' I answered the call, and the face of a beautiful girl appeared before me.

She had waist-long white hair that was tied into a long ponytail, and her dark brown eyes looked worried. She had small dark circles under her eye, which contrasted with her pale snow skin.

I didn't forget to manage my expression. A small smile forms on my lips before I talk to her.

"You said you were busy with work. Why did you call so suddenly?"

"...I just wanted to see you."

"Cat, don't worry about me. I will be attending the academy next week. I can take care of myself now."

"Alright. It seemed like I was worried about nothing. My little Al is just pretending to be more mature. Good luck for your exams tomorrow."

"Thanks. Bye"

With that, I disconnected the call and started preparing myself to set foot for the first time outside, where a new world awaits me.

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