25. Regressor

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"Why don't you take a seat, Alex Fawn? Or should I call you Loic Ferblanche?"

I was a little shocked when she called me by my previous name. I hated it when something I couldn't predict happened, but funny enough, this situation was really interesting and entertaining.

With this new lead, I tried to reorganize the puzzle I previously made in my head. Who exactly was the president of the student council? I was exploring every single possibility about the real identity of the green-haired elf in front of me.

She had the same appearance as the president in the game. Was she also a transmigrator like me? Nope, the probability was only around 7.49%. And even if she was, there was definitely something more to her existence.

It felt like I was missing something. Let's look at the main clues again: She saved Samuel Avongus around one year ago. She convinced Cathy that she shouldn't doubt me.
Does she have a skill that could see the future? The probability was high, around 54.67%.

But the way she just said my name. It was as if she was used to it. Oh, now I know what was missing: it was her current expression. Why did her face look like someone who was meeting a loved one after a very long time?

'Wait, don't tell me!'

"You are a regressor."

She smiled as if she already expected that answer.

"You truly are amazing, Loic. Your future self told me that you were going to uncover my secret exactly on the fifth day of class. And when you do, I have to tell you about the last conversation I had with him. So why don't you take a seat first?"


"So this is the end."

"President, how long do you think you can hold on?"

"Loic, how many times did I tell you to stop calling me president? The academy doesn't even exist anymore."

"Just answer me."

"I don't know; I'm surprised that I can even talk right now. I can't feel anything anymore, but I can hold on for a few more minutes."

"That's enough. Here, eat this and listen to me carefully."

"What's that?"

"It's a relic of time. After being consumed, it will allow the user to regress five years in the past after their death."

"Wait, why did you make me eat such an important relic? Won't it be better if you ate it instead?"

"Nope. As you already know, it's only been two years since I took over Alex's body. So, I don't know exactly what could happen if I ate this relic and died now."

"Alright. But what should I do after I regress? Should I wait until you take over Alex's body and then tell you everything?"

"Not exactly. Pay attention to everything I'm going to say from now on. After you regress, you will need to do two things. First, you need to save the first prince, Samuel Avongus. Keep him close by your side and make him indebted to you. Second, become friends with Alex's sister, Cathy Fawn. You need to be her most trusted friend so that when I take her brother's body, you can clear all her doubts."

"And when should I tell you?"

"If you do those tasks correctly, exactly five days after the academy starts, he will come and meet you directly. Then you just need to call him by his real name, and he will be able to uncover your secret. Only then can you tell him about this conversation."

"Will you be able to trust me, though?"

"Don't worry about that."

"Alright, but what if, after the fifth day, you don't come and meet me?"

"If he doesn't, then kill him immediately."


"If he still can't guess your secret after all the clues you left him, then something definitely happened during his transmigration, and the best solution is to eliminate him before he tries to hurt you."


"I guess it's already time. Oh, and one last thing: don't tell him anything about the future except for this conversation."


"Yes, you can go to sleep now."


"Thank you for everything, Gwen Alethea."


"And after that, when I woke up, I found myself five years into the past."

Everything she said made sense. That's exactly what I would have said and done. I still don't know the reason why he made the president save Samuel Avongus, but I'm sure that everything was part of a bigger plan. I know that I should be worried about the future, but at that moment, the president's expression was more worrisome.

I could understand from her story that the future me and her were in a close relationship. They were so close that he even told her about his past life. But that's exactly the reason why he got himself into such a mess. Instead of staying by her side, he should have abandoned her when she wasn't useful anymore. I don't know what made him change so much, but that won't happen to me.

All people are nothing but tools. It doesn't matter how it's done. It doesn't matter what needs to be sacrificed. In this world, winning is everything. As long as I win in the end...That's all that matters.

"Can you stop looking at me like that? It's really uncomfortable. I'm not the same person as the one you knew, and I won't be."

"I know, and I'm sorry, but it will be hard to look at you another way. I'm still alive thanks to you."

"Like I just said, I'm not the one who saved you. Anyway, what do you plan on doing now?"

"I plan to conquer you the same way I did before I regressed."

That was going to be troublesome, but I was also curious about how she was able to change someone who didn't have any empathy.

"Alright, let's see how you are going to do it, but in exchange, become my subordinate. From now on, you will need to send me a report before doing anything related to the future. But don't tell me any details about future events. Just tell me how you plan to take action. That should be enough."

"Of course. I was already planning to become your subordinate again. But I still can't understand why you don't want to know about the future. Even in the future, you told me not to tell you anything. Is there a specific reason for that?"

Of course, there's a reason for that. If I know exactly what will happen in the future, life will become too boring. That's why I decided to mess up the plot of the games as much as I could since I came into this world.

"You don't need to know that. I should leave now. Cathy is waiting for me, and I don't want her to ask too many questions about why we were talking for so long."

"I understand. And you don't have to worry about Cathy. I will make sure that she won't trouble you too much."

"Good. Oh, and free your schedule for tomorrow evening. I will message you more details later."

"Is it a date?"


I ignored her question and went out of her office. Outside, I could see Cathy leaning against the wall. As soon as she saw me,she started her series of questions.

"Did something happen?"Why did you take so long?"

"Everything is fine. The president is really an amazing person. Exactly how you describe her. She is waiting for you inside. And I'm sorry, but I'm really tired, so I'm going back to my flat to rest."

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It really motivates me to write faster.

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